The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal held a press conference where it released its final report and announced the verdicts from the Tribunal’s Jurors.

View the recording of that press conference here.

Defending Society Against MAGA Tyranny: A Prospectus for Action

We’ve teamed up with Jeremy Brecher & the Labor Network for Sustainability to kick off 2025 with a new pamphlet dedicated to understanding what lies ahead, analyzing useful precedents, and developing unified yet diverse strategies of social self-defense guided by liberatory vision.

A podcast that asks what do we want & how do we get it.

Latest: Labor, Unions, and The Path Forward with Steve Early

All Episodes


31 authors & 6 orgs invite you to consider 20 Theses for Liberation, a living document to engage with in a collective process.
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Real Utopia: Foundation for a Participatory Society exists to establish an international network of activist-organizers who are inspired by Participatory theory, vision, and strategy.

The Greek Internationalist Art & Research Centre for Post Capitalist Studies, called mέta, works to break with a dystopian present to imagine the world anew.

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal held a press conference where it released its final report and announced the verdicts from the Tribunal’s Jurors.

View the recording of that press conference here.

Defending Society Against MAGA Tyranny: A Prospectus for Action

We’ve teamed up with Jeremy Brecher & the Labor Network for Sustainability to kick off 2025 with a new pamphlet dedicated to understanding what lies ahead, analyzing useful precedents, and developing unified yet diverse strategies of social self-defense guided by liberatory vision.

A podcast that asks what do we want & how do we get it.

Latest: Labor, Unions, and The Path Forward with Steve Early

All Episodes


31 authors & 6 orgs invite you to consider 20 Theses for Liberation, a living document to engage with in a collective process.

Join & share

Real Utopia: Foundation for a Participatory Society exists to establish an international network of activist-organizers who are inspired by Participatory theory, vision, and strategy.

The Greek Internationalist Art & Research Centre for Post Capitalist Studies, called mέta, works to break with a dystopian present to imagine the world anew.


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ZNetwork: Left News, Analysis, Vision & Strategy

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In solidarity,

  • The Z Staff: Alexandria, Arash, Bridget, Cooper, Fintan, Greg, & Matic


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