Subscribe or renew to the print edition of Z Magazine and get a FREE DVD! Plus, order additional DVDs for only $15 each ($7 off the regular price). PDF ORDER FORM HERE.
Offer includes new DVDs from Greece and the Left Forum, featuring speakers such as Howard Zinn, Medea Benjamin, and Jack Rasmus.
NOTE: Offer is not available through the Z store, but only by using the downloadable PDF form. (You can also use the same form from the print edition of our July-August issue.) Pre-payment is required.
You can mail in the order (address below) or fax it back to us at 508-457-0626 (fax). You can also place a phone order. We’ll be away from our office phone during much of July, but you can still usually get hold of someone here during east coast business hours at 508-548-9063 (tel).
Mail to: Z Magazine, 18 Millfield St., Woods Hole MA 02556
Offer expires September 15, 2009