Dear Z Community,
At the beginning of our August fundraising drive, we proposed a 4-step action pathway – not just to seek much needed material support for sustaining, but to offer an outline of how Z fits into a larger model for pursuing fundamental social change. And, let’s face it, because if there has ever been a time to get up and stand up, to build collective power and transform our world, it is NOW.
Today, we’ll dig into “Step 2: Go beyond critique – vision & strategy” and talk about what makes Z special and worthy of sustaining.
When you contribute money to Z, you are sustaining independent media – a chronically underfunded yet essential component of a healthy society in general, and of social change in particular. Z represents nearly half a century’s work by countless hands towards winning a better world for all, and is a unique platform and community. As described by our greatly missed ZFriend and fearless journalist, John Pilger, “Z is what a people’s newspaper should be”.
Z is firstly unique in elevating vision and strategy, always pushing beyond all that is wrong in the world towards all that might yet be better. Our editorial philosophy explicitly holds space for those who aim not just to oppose, but to propose – we often know what we are against, Z asks what we are for and how we can make it happen. Z is for those who are running towards a better world, when it is insufficient to just run away.
Z is unique in a second way, which may be more subtle, but is no less important. Z has consistently elevated what is truly radical and worthy, while simultaneously remaining a haven for dissent and creativity. This is a place where diverse voices may be heard and engaged. Z cuts through the noise so that the spirit of resistance may always be heard.
Finally, at Z, we get structural, viewing the project as participatory media. We operate internally according to democratic and participatory principles and actively seek to spread this radical practice. The ZStaff encourages your participation in our editorial work via the Z Community Forum, social media, emails and comments sections because, as John said, this is a people’s media project – it is for and by all of us.
If you value these ideas and practices, please consider contributing what you can. Just as billionaires prop up and maintain their media system, the people need to maintain their own media system. If you value a participatory space to advance vision and strategy together, please join us in sustaining Z.
In Solidarity,
The ZStaff
ZNetwork is funded solely through the generosity of its readers.