REMINDER: The July issue is a double summer issue (July/August, Number 7/8)
Z MAGAZINE is an independent magazine of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the
Z Magazine (ISSN 1056-5507) is published monthly except for a combined issue in July/August (Vol 7/8) by the Institute for Social and Cultural Communications. Copyright © 2012 by The Institute for Social and Cultural Communications, part of the Institute for Social and Cultural Change Inc.,
ARTICLES: We welcome unsolicited submissions. Due dates are the 25th of each month. So articles received by November 25 will be considered for January, etc. Send them in word document or rich text format to [email protected]. Also include a two-sentence biography. Try to keep articles between 1,000 and 3,500 words.
LETTERS: Letters should be succinct and may be edited for length.
ZAP LISTINGS/ADS: We welcome short events listings, news releases, etc. Send by the first of the month for inclusion in the following month’s issue. Zap listings and display ads are free at our discretion. Send to [email protected].
GRAPHICS: Cartoons, illustrations, photos are welcome.
Our staff collective (there are no bosses, executive directors, or hierarchical job assignments) includes:
All subscription orders should be prepaid as we are unable to bill. Your subscription will start with the next available issue. Z should arrive by the fifth of each month at the latest (except for the July/August double issue, which should arrive around July 15). If you aren’t getting your Z, please email [email protected].
One Year Low Income $25; Back issues $5 each.
International: One Year U.S.$55
Renewals: same price as subscriptions; renewal notices are sent to
The most recent five months of Z Magazine online (same content as print) are available at www.zcommuni- to print subscribers and sustainers only (five articles of current issues are free as well). Archive articles are free to all. Go to our website to sign up.
Over 70 videos are available at our online Z Store; or email [email protected] for a free catalog.
Please notify us immediately if you move. Send a card with your new address and old zip to Z Magazine (address below) or email [email protected].
Send subscription orders, renewals, articles, zaps, graphics, and letters by email to [email protected] or to Z Magazine, 18 Millfield Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543; 508-548-9063, fax: 508-457-0626.
We survive through income from paid subscriptions, sales of videos, online Sustainers, individual donations. and periodic fundraising. We are non-profit, tax exempt under the Institute for Social and Cultural Communications, d/b/a Z Magazine. To donate by mail, send checks payable to Z Magazine,