Working class demma work, demma work, demma work
Working class demma work, demma work, demma work
Rich get richer and poor get poorer.
The gap is widening, the barrier is taller .
Rich get richer and poor get poorer.
Workers are fired, bosses got the power.
Power, we fight, the poor people dower.
Clower. We fed the blood we won’t cover.
Cover. In front of dem we want never lower.
Lower. They get more while we get fewer.
Another night in winter with the full moon
Another night in winter with the full moon
Another night in winter with the full moon
Another night in winter with the full moon
Days after days, politician try to scare we.
Look at newspaper and news and TV.
They try to divide every community.
(Zoom Zeng)
Do not let them thinking for we.
Trade dissenting cause they play with our money.
Politician help them to steal and rob we.
Too much corruption, ruffed and bribery.
They get diplomatic immunity.
Another night in winter with the full moon
Another night in winter with the full moon
Another night in winter with the full moon
Another night in winter with the full moon
Working class dem a work, demma work, demma work
Working class dem a work, demma work, demma work