CHICANA/O ART – The opening reception for the Chicana/o Biennial Exhibition is scheduled for June 5 in San Jose, California. The exhibition will run through August 8.
Contact: Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana, Inc. (MACLA), 510 South First St., San Jose, CA 95113; 408-998-2783; [email protected];
FREETHINKERS – The 68th annual conference of the American Humanist Association (AHA) is scheduled for June 5-7 in Tempe, Arizona. Writer Jeff Nall will discuss "Humanism & the Peace Revolution" at 3 PM on Saturday, June 6.
BIKING – Join Bikes Not Bombs Sunday June 7 (rain-date June 14) for their 22nd annual Bike-A-Thon and Green Roots Festival in Boston, Massachusetts.
WOMEN – The annual conference of the National Council for Research on Women is scheduled for June 10-12 at the CUNY Graduate Center in NYC. This year’s theme is "Igniting Change: Activating Alliances for Social Justice."
LABOR – The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association’s 41st annual conference, A Year in Labor Heritage—When Workers Rise, presented in collaboration with the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, University of Washington, is scheduled for June 12-13 at the Seattle Labor Temple.
SOCIALISM – Socialism 2009: Building a New Left for a New Era is the name of two conferences scheduled for Chicago (June 18-21) and San Francisco (July 2-5), featuring talks and panel discussions by authors and activists including Laura Flanders, Arun Gupta, Amy Goodman, David Bacon, and others; sponsored by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change.
CARAVAN – During July 3-17, the 20th annual Pastors for Peace Caravan for Peace will travel across the U.S. and Canada collecting aid and educating about the unjust blockade, before an orientation in Texas July 18-23, followed by travel to and from Cuba until August 3. People can participate locally by attending or hosting local events, donating materials, or traveling along.
ANTI-WAR – A National Antiwar Conference sponsored by the National Assembly is scheduled for July 10-12 at La Roche College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
MEDIA – The 11th annual Allied Media Conference will be held July 16-19 in the McGregor Conference Center on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit. Participatory workshops and skillshares will emphasize DIY alternative media to advance visions of a just and creative world.
COUNTER-RECURUITING – A National Counter-Recruitment and Demilitarization Conference is scheduled for July 17-19 at Roosevelt University in Chicago, with practical training and discussions about how to oppose militarization and promote nonmilitary alternatives.
EASTERN CO-OPS – The Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy (ECWD), Democracy Works: Worker Cooperatives, Labor Solidarity, and Sustainability, is scheduled for July 31 to August 2 at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
ORGANIZING – An intensive three-day workshop "Community Organizing for Deep Democracy" is scheduled for August 7-9 hosted at the Democracy Unlimited Headquarters in Eureka, California. Emphasis is on the analysis and strategies needed to dismantle corporate rule through organizing for local democracy.
URPE – Each August, the Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) holds a 4-day workshop/retreat with papers and workshops, formal and informal. This year’s event is August 15-18 in Camp Deer Run in Pine Bush, New York.
CALL FOR ENTRIES – To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Center for the Study of Political Graphics will produce a limited edition portfolio with 3-5 silkscreen posters. They are calling for design entries by June 30.
PHOTO ESSAY – June is the ten-year anniversary of the HIJOS Collective in Guatemala. A photo essay of one of the group’s public art poster campaigns is available online.
DECLARATION – The Indigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change, held April 20-24 in Anchorage, Alaska, has issued a detailed report as well as The Anchorage Declaration on the "accelerating climate devastation brought about by unsustainable development," available at their website.
NEWSPAPER – A free national publication stemming from the City From Below Conference held in Baltimore last March, with articles on creating alternative communities and politics is now available. You can request a bundle to distribute in your town, or download the entire paper.
PRIMER – The National Priorities Project (NPP), in partnership with the American Friends Service Committee, has released The Cost of War in Afghanistan, a four page primer on the war’s current economic and human realities.
THE 1960S – A Grin Without a Cat is Chris Marker’s epic 1978 film-essay on the worldwide political wars of the 1960s-70s: Vietnam, Bolivia, May 68, Prague, Chile, and the fate of the New Left. Now available on DVD.
NO NUKES – The Strangest Dream, a documentary film by Eric Bednarski, presents the story of Joseph Rotblat and the efforts of the Pugwash Conferences to halt nuclear proliferation.
ECOLOGY – The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet by John Bellamy Foster, editor of the Monthly Review, offers both a broad view and specific examples from the world system "periphery" of the environmental crisis and alternative solutions.
HISTORY – In Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone, Eduardo Galeano presents short vignettes that examine the scope of humanity via "history’s unseen, unheard, and forgotten."
HUNGER – Breadline USA: The Hidden Scandal of American Hunger and How to Fix It by Sasha Abramsky documents the dangerous balancing act required of low-income Americans to forestall disaster, the consequences of failure, and prescriptions for change.
MUSIC – In the pamphlet Sing for Your Supper: A DIY Guide to Playing Music, Writing Songs, and Booking Your Own Gigs, David Rovics demystifies the different skills necessary to cultivate the arts of songwriting, guitar-playing and tour booking.
PEOPLE’S COMIC – In A People’s History of American Empire by Howard Zinn, labor cartoonist Mike Konopacki and Paul Buhle tell the story in graphic form of class war waged by the U.S. elite.
SCAVENGERS – In Going Green: True Tales from Gleaners, Scavengers, and Dumpster Divers, edited by Laura Pritchett, more than 20 essayists recount tales of radical recycling while raising larger questions about consumerism and the limits of mainstream environmentalism.
Email Zaps (short announcements) of events, new releases, ongoing campaigns, etc. to [email protected].