The undersigned:
We profoundly condemn the military invasion led by the Putin regime in Ukraine, which has already left thousands of people dead and hundreds of thousands displaced, and which provokes a sharpening of the confrontation between imperialist blocs at the global level.
We reject the positions issued in recent days that deepen the warmongering spiral. We reject the decisions that involve adding more weapons to the conflict and increasing war budgets. We reject security narratives that reinforce authoritarian logic and militarization. Not in our name.
We must remember that NATO is co-responsible for the situation created by its global expansionism and militaristic security narrative. Weapons perpetuate war, perpetuate barbarism and perpetuate suffering. There is no greater security than peace.
With this manifesto we collect the call launched by Russian feminist groups and join the Feminist Resistance against War! In this way, we recover the feminist thread of history that has participated in struggles against reactionary wars, from the movement led by Rosa Luxemburg in 1914, the Greenham Common anti-nuclear weapons camp of the 1980s, or the Women in Black movement against war, to name a few.
We are with the people of Ukraine who want to restore peace in their lives and demand a ceasefire. We are with the mobilized Russian citizens, who, despite the repression and threats of the authoritarian and repressive regime of Putin, demand to stop the military invasion.
That is why we say Feminist Resistance Against War. Behind the NO to War there is no naive position. The only real road to peace is the de-escalation of war. We demand a bold redirection of the situation to break the militaristic spiral initiated by Russia and supported by NATO. We demand the immediate cancellationof Ukraine’s foreign debt of 125 billion dollars as a concrete measure of support for the Ukrainian peopleand denounce the reforms and conditionality imposed by the IMF in recent years.
Learning from the painful experiences of war and conflict in Europe in the last century must mark our commitment and action. War is irreconcilable with the essential values and goals of the feminist movement. We stand for peace, coexistence of peoples and a democratic solution to conflicts.
Ahlem Belhadj | Túnez | Ex-Presidenta de la Asociación Tunecina de Mujeres Demócratas |
Ailbhe Smyth | Ireland | Feminist and LGTBQ activist |
Alba Flores | España | Actriz |
Alda Souza | Portugal | Ex-Eurodiputada del Bloco da Esquerda |
Alissa Trotz | Canada | Professor Caribbean Studies and Women and Gender Studies, University of Toronto |
Almudena Cabezas | España | Profesora del Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración III de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Alondra Carrillo Vidal | Chile | Miembro de la Convención Constitucional de Chile |
Amaia Pérez Orozco | España | Activista feminista, escritora y economista |
Ana Villaverde | España | Parlamentaria de Adelante Andalucía, Anticapitalistas |
Anabel Sanz | España | FeministAlde |
Andrea Momoitio | España | Pikara Magazine |
Andrea Peniche | Portugal | Activista feminista del colectivo A Colectiva |
Andreia Quartau | Portugal | Activista feminista del colectivo A Colectiva |
Angela Dimitrakaki Άντζελα Δημητρακάκη | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Member of the 8 of March Assembly, writer and art historian, , Μέλος της Συνέλευσης 8 Μάρτη, συγγραφέας και ιστορικός τέχνης |
Ángela María Robledo | Colombia | Feminista y ex-congresista |
Angeles Ramirez | España | Profesora UAM y antropóloga, Anticapitalistas |
Angélica Alexopoulou Αγγελική Αλεξοπούλου | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Profesora titular de Universidad, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Καθηγήτρια του Πανεπιστημίου, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών |
Anna Karina | Brasil | Coletivo Nacional Resistência Feminista |
Araceli Osorio Martínez | México | Defensora de Derechos Humanos y madre de de Lesvy Berlín Rivera Osorio, victima de Feminicidio |
Astrid Vang Hansenfeminist | Danmark | Activist, candidate for parliament for the party called Red-Green Alliance |
Bessie Dendrinos (Vassiliki Dendrinou) Μπέσσυ Δενδρινού (Βασιλική Δενδρινού) | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Professor Emerita, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), Ομότιμη Καθηγήτρια, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών |
Bruna Biondi | Brasil | Concejala de São Caetano do Sul, SP, Mujeres por Más Derechos |
Bruna Stefani | Brasil | docente e investigadora feminista de Piauí |
Camila Lisboa | Brasil | Coordenadora Geral do Sindicato dos Metroviários em São Paulo |
Camila Valadão | Brasil | Concejala de Vitória, Espírito Santo, PSOL |
Carla Benítez | Brasil | Docente e investigadora femenista de Minas Gerais |
Carmen Magallón | España | Liga Internacional de Mujeres por La Paz y la Libertad (WILPF) |
Carolina Iara | Brasil | Co-vereadora da Bancada Feminista do PSOL na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo |
Catalina Bolívar Kaufer | Chile | Trabajadora Social y académica feminista |
Cinzia Arruzza | USA | co-author of Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto |
Daria Serenko | Russia | member of Feminist Anti-war Resistance |
Debora Diniz | Brasil | Antropóloga femenista e investigadora |
Deborah Cavalcante | Brasil | Secretária de Relações Internacionais do PSOL |
Deborah Cowen | Canada | Professor Geography & Planning, University of Toronto |
Diane Lamoureux | Canada | Professeure émérite, Département de science politique, Université Laval |
Dianne Feeley | USA | Co-editor Against the Current, Detroit, Michigan |
Dr. El Jones | Canada | Assistant Professor, Department of Political and Canadian Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax |
Elixabete Perez Gaztelu | España | Profesora Titular de Universidad |
Encarna Boldeón | España | Profesora de Filosofía del Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universitat de Barcelona |
Fafá Guilherme | Brasil | co-vereadora da Bancada de Mulheres Amazônidas na Câmara Municipal de Belém do Pará |
Fernanda Mechiona | Brasil | Diputada nacional PSOL-Rio Grande do Sul |
Françoise Nyffeler | Suisse | parlementaire, membre active du collectif Grève Feministe et membre de solidaritéS |
Gizelle Freitas | Brasil | co-vereadora da Bancada de Mulheres Amazônidas na Câmara Municipal de Belém do Pará |
Goretti Horgan | Ireland | Ulster Universitu and Alliance for Choice Derry |
Gudrun Gisladottir | Danmark | General Secretary, European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism |
Guiomar Rovira Sancho | México | Académica Investigadora en la UAM-Xochimilco |
Heloísa Helena | Brasil | Vocera de Rede, Red Sustentabilidad |
Ioanna Gaitani Γαϊτάνη Γιάννα | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Member of the Women´s 8 of March Assembly-Former, member of the Greek Parliament, , Μέλος Συνέλευσης Γυναικών 8 Μάρτη, πρώην βουλεύτρια του Ελληνικού Κοινοβουλίου |
Isabel Lessa | Brasil | Dirección Ejecutiva Nacional de Mujeres de PSOL |
Itziar Ruiz Jimenez | España | Profesora Relaciones Internacionales UAM y activista DDHH |
Iza Lourença | Brasil | vereadora do PSOL em Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais |
Jane Patrícia | Brasil | co-vereadora da Bancada de Mulheres Amazônidas na Câmara Municipal de Belém do Pará |
Judith Carreras | España | Presidenta de la Fundación Viento Sur |
Judy Rebick | Canada | Founding publisher of rabbleca and author of «Occupy This!» |
Jules Falquet | France | Professeur au Département de Philosophie de l’Université de Paris 8 |
Julia Cámara | España | Anticapitalistas |
Júlia Martí | España | OMAL y Anticapitalistes |
Juliana Gomes Curvelo | Brasil | Concejala de Osasco, SP del Movimiento Ativoz |
June Fernández | España | Pikara Magazine |
Kamilla Sastre | Brasil | co-vereadora da Bancada de Mulheres Amazônidas na Câmara Municipal de Belém do Pará |
Karina Nohales | Chile | Militante de la Coordinadora Feminista 8M de Chile, feminista anticapitalista |
Katerina Sergidou Κατερίνα Σεργίδου | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Member of the 8 of March Assembly and Researcher of gender and feminist studies, Μέλος της Συνέλευσης 8 Μάρτη, ερευνήτρια Σπουδών Φύλου και Φεμινισμού |
Katerina Yiannoulia , Κατερίνα Γιαννούλια | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Coordinator of the labour’s radical union META, Member of the Civil Servants’ Confederation Equality CommitteeΣυντονίστρια ΜΕΤΑ, μέλος Γραμματείας Ισότητας ΑΔΕΔΥ |
Katy Machoa | Ecuador | ex dirigente de la mujer de la CONAIE, |
Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor | USA | Professor at Princeton University and author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation |
Keka Bagno | Brasil | feminista negra, pré-candidata de PSOL al gpobioenro del Districto Federal |
Laura Villa | España | Profesora de Universidad, UAM |
Lidia Cirillo | Italia | Redacción “Quaderni Viola” |
Linda Brasil | Brasil | Concejala de Aracaju, Sergipe, PSOL |
Linda Cabrera Cifuentes | Colombia | Directora de Sisma Mujer Colombia |
Lolita Chávez | Guatemala | Activista feminista y lideresa indígena |
Lorena Cabrerizo | España | Anticapitalistas |
Luana Alves | Brasil | Concejala de São Paulo, PSOL |
Lucia Núñez Rebolledo | México | Abogada e investigadora en el centro de investigaciones y estudios de género de la UNAM |
Luci Cavallero | Argentina | |
Luci Nussbaum | España | professora jubilada de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Lucian Boiteux | Brasil | Abogada, docente e investigadora femenista de Rio de Janeiro |
Luciana Araujo | Brasil | Activista de la Marcha de las Mujeres Negras de São Paulo |
Luciana Genro | Brasil | Diputada estadual, provincial de Rio Grande do Sul |
Luisa Lozano | Ecuador | ex dirigente de la mujer de la CONAIE |
Luisa Martín Rojo, | España | Catedrática de Universidad, UAM |
MªÁngeles Fernández | España | Pikara Magazine |
Maite Puigdevall | España | Profesora de Universidad |
Manuela Mesa | España | Directora del Centro de Educación e Investigación para la Paz, CEIPAZ y co-directora del Instituto DEMOSPAZ-UAM |
Margara Millán | México | Socióloga y antropóloga social, investigadora del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, (FCPyS, UNAM) y profesora en el Posgrado de Estudios Latinoamericanos en las áreas de estudios de género y cultura. Red de Feminismos Descoloniales |
Maria Eduarda Krasny | Brasil | Coletivo Nacional de juventude Afronte |
Maria Lobo | España | Anticapitalistas |
Maria Louka Μαρία Λούκα | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Journalist – Screenwriter, Δημοσιογράφος-Σεναριογράφος |
Maria Paula Granda | Ecuador | Secretaria de Relaciones Internacionales del Partido Socialista Ecuatoriano |
Mariana Conti | Brasil | Concejala de Campinas, SP PSOL |
Marianna Fernandes | Suisse | Militante de la Marche Mondiale des Femmes en Suisse et fait partie de la coordination du mouvement en Europe Coordination Marche Mondiale des Femmes Europe |
Marienne Ebel | Suisse | Membre de solidaritéS, présidente de la Marche mondiale des femmes /section suisse |
Marina Ruzzi | Brasil | Abogada femenista, del Frente Nacional contra la Criminalización de Mujeres y por la Legalizacion del Aborto |
Maristella Svampa | Argentina | Socióloga y escritora, Pacto ecosocial del Sur |
Máxima Acuña | Peru | Líderesa indígena, ambientalista y premio Goldman |
Meg Luxton | Canada | Professor, York University, Toronto |
Mia Dragnic | Chile | Socióloga, militante CF8M |
Miriam Miranda | Honduras | Lideresa indígena de la Organización Franternal Negra de Honduras (OFRANEH) |
Mme Fatoş | Kurdistán | Göksungur |
Moira Millan | Argentina | Mujeres indígenas por el Buen Vivir y lideresa del pueblo mapuche |
Mónica Baltodano | Nicaragua | Exiliada política nicaragüense, ex dirigente del MRS |
Mônica Seixas | Brasil | Diputada estadual, provincial de São Paulo, PSOL |
Montserrat Garcerán | España | Catedrática de Filosofía y Fundación de los Comunes |
Nadia De Mond | Italia | Redacción “Quaderni Viola” |
Nadja Carvalho | Brasil | Activista de la Red Nacional de Femenistas Antiproibicionistas |
Nancy Fraser | USA | Professor of Philosophy and Politics at The New School in New York, and co-author of Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto |
Nuria Alabao | España | Periodista en Ctxt y Fundación de los Comunes |
Ofelia García | USA | Professor Emerita, CUNY |
Özlem Demirel | Deutschland | Member of the European Parliament, Die Linke |
Palad’d’a | Russia | Feminist activist, udmurt artist |
Pamela Palenciano | España | Activista feminista, actriz y monologuista de «No solo duelen los golpes» |
Pamela Philipose | India | ombudsperson, The, New Delhi |
Paola Revenioti Πάολα Ρεβενιώτη | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Artist-activist, καλλιτέχνης-ακτιβίστρια |
Pastora Filigrana | España | Abogada y defensora de derechos humanos |
Paula Nunes | Brasil | co-vereadora da Bancada Feminista do PSOL na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo |
Pierina Ferretti | Chile | integrante de la Fundación Nodo XXI |
Rea Delveroudi, Ρέα Δελβερούδη | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Professor of linguistics Καθηγήτρια Γλωσσολογίας |
Samia Bonfim | Brasil | Diputada nacional PSOL-São Paulo |
Samanta Zaragoza Luna | México | Profesora Investigadora de la UACM-Plantel San Lorenzo Tezonco |
Sandra Ezquerra | España | Directora de la Cátedra UNESCO Mujeres, Desarrollo y Culturas de la Universidad de Vic |
Sara Babiker | España | Periodista de El Salto |
Sara Farris | Italia | Associate Professor, Goldsmiths university of London |
Sedef Arat-Koc | Canada | Associate Professor, X, formerly Ryerson University, Toronto |
Shahrzad Mojab | Canada | Professor, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education OISE/University of Toronto |
Silvia Federicci | USA | feminist and author of Caliban and the Witch |
Silvia Ferraro | Brasil | co-vereadora da Bancada Feminista do PSOL na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo |
Simone Nascimento | Brasil | Activista del Movimento Negro Unificado (MNU) |
Sirlene Maciel | Brasil | Secretária da Executiva Nacional da Central Sindical e Popular Conlutas. |
Sonia Farré | España | Anticapitalistes |
Sonia Guajajara | Brasil | Lidereza de la Asociación de los Pueblos Indígenas de Brasil, APIB |
Susan Ferguson | Canada | Associate Professor Emerita at Wilfrid Laurier University and feminist activist |
Talíria Petrone | Brasil | Diputada nacional PSOL-Rio de Janeiro |
Tania O. Valadez George | México | Militante de la CSR e integrante de Feministas con Voz de Maiz. Médica en Servicios de Salud Pública y Profesora en la UNAM |
Tere Maldonado | España | FeministAlde |
Teresa Rodríguez | España | Parlamentaria de Adelante Andalucía |
Teresa Villaverde | España | Pikara Magazine |
Thalia Sobral | Brasil | vereadora do PSOL em Juiz de Fora/Minas Gerais |
Tithi Bhattacharya | USA | Co-author of Feminism for the 99% |
Verónica Gago | Argentina | Profesora en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA, Activista feminista del Colectivo Feminista «Ni una menos» |
Virginia Zavala | Peru | University Professor |
Vivi Reis | Brasil | Diputada nacional PSOL-Pará |
Yayo Herrero | España | Ecofeminista, antropóloga, ingeniera técnica agrícola, diplomada en Educación Social y portavoz del Foro Transiciones |
Yolanda Pineda López | México | Profesora Investigadora de la UACM-Plantel San Lorenzo Tezonco |
Zillah R. Eisenstein | USA | American political theorist and gender studies scholar and Emerita Professor of the Department of Politics at Ithaca College |
Νatassa Kefallinou Νατάσα Κεφαλληνού | Greece (Ελλάδα) | Communication gender expert, Centre for Gender Rights and Equality Diotima, Σύμβουλος επικοινωνίας εξειδικευμένη σε ζητήματα φύλου Κέντρο για τα έφυλα δικαιώματα και την ισότητα, Διοτίμα |
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