OCCUPY TOGETHER – Occupy Together is the unofficial hub for the various occupations springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St. Over 1,000 cities and towns are currently participating.
Contact: http://www.occupytogether.org/.
SOCIAL SERVICES – The Emergency Labor Network has issued a call for actions December 3-10 to preserve and expand the social safety net under the banner, “No Cuts To Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Other Social Programs.”
Contact: http://www.laborfight back.org/.
HAITI – Media Alliance will host a benefit for the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund on December 3, in Oakland, CA.
Contact: http://www.haitiemer-gencyrelief.org; http://www.media-alliance.org/index.php.
ZINN – Noam Chomsky and Anthony Arnove will speak at SUNY New Paltz’s Honoring Howard Zinn: An Historian Who Made History program on December 4.
Contact: http://www.newpaltz.edu/news/news.cfm?id=5616.
MUMIA – On the 30th Anniversary of Mumia Abu Jamal’s incarceration, a Free Mumia Now! event will be held at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Speakers include Cornel West and Ramona Africa.
Contact: http://www.freemumia.com/.
CLIMATE – Climate Connections is a blog from the Global Justice Ecology Project. The blog carries hard-to-find daily news from around the world on the impacts of, and people’s resistance to, social and ecological injustice, including live blogging from the UN Climate Conference, November 27-December 10.
Contact: http://climate-connections.org/.
CLASS – The Center for Study of Working Class Life has announced the “How Class Works – 2012 Conference,” to be held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, July 7-9, 2012. Proposals for papers, presentations, and sessions are welcome until December 12, 2011.
Contact: Dept. of Economics, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384; 631- 632-7536; [email protected]; http://www.stony brook.edu/workingclass/.
OCCUPY – Left Forum is now calling for panel proposals for their 2012 conference, Occupy the System: Confronting Global Capitalism, to be held March 16-18 at Pace University in New York City. Submissions are accepted until January.
Contact: 212-817-2003; [email protected]; http://www. leftforum.org.
RACISM/MIGRANTS – December 18 is the Global Day of Action Against Racism and for the Rights of Refugees, Migrants and Displaced People, as ratified at the 2011 World Social Forum. Actions are planned worldwide.
Contact: [email protected]; http://globalmigrantsaction.org/.
ACTIVISTS – The UK- based group, People & Planet, issued a Christmas appeal to Adopt-An-Activist. For £3 a month, your chosen activist will tackle the root causes of social and environmental injustice. People & Planet sponsors activist students.
Contact: http://peopleand planet.org/.
SCHOLARSHIP/DEFAMATION – Who’s Afraid of Frances Fox Piven? is Piven’s first substantial public response to the verbal attacks, death threats, and scapegoating she has been subject to since early 2010, since interview clips of her appeared on Glenn Beck’s TV show.
Contact: The New Press, 38 Greene Street, 4th FL, New York, NY 10013; 212-629-8802; http://thenewpress.com/.
UNIONS – All Together Different is a new book by Professor Daniel Katz about the phenomenon of interracial union building and worker education during the Great Depression. The book investigates why immigrant Jewish unionists in the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU) appealed to an international force of coworkers, tracing their ideology of a working-class based cultural pluralism back to the revolutionary experiences of Russian Jewish women.
Contact: 212-992-9991; [email protected].
INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM – In Greg Palast’s Vultures’ Picnic, a crew of journalist-detectives chase down British Petroleum bag men, CIA operatives, nuclear power con men and “The Vultures,” billionaire financial speculators who, through bribery, flim-flam and political muscle, take entire nations hostage for mega-profits.
Contact: 212-505-5566; [email protected]; www.vulturespicnic.org.
SANDINISTA – Adios Muchachos is an insider’s account of the leftist Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua by Sergio Rami- rez, former vice-president of Nicaragua. During the 1970s, Ramirez led prominent intellectuals, priests, and business leaders to support the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) against Anastasio Somoza’s dictatorship.
Contact: Duke University Press, 905 W. Main Street, Suite 18B, Durham, NC 90660; 919-687- 3639; [email protected]; http://www.dukeupress.edu/index.php.
LATIN AMERICA – The New Mole, by Emir Sader, is a new analysis of recent developments in Latin American politics. Sader explains the resurgence of radicalism in terms of the region’s history, while exploring its theoretical underpinning and the obstacles the Latin American left faces.
Contact: Verso Books, 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 718-246-8160; [email protected]; http://www.versobooks.com/.
MARXISM – Jose Carlos Mariategui: An Anthology is a collection from one of Latin America’s most profound thinkers. Jose Carlos Mariategui was a self- taught journalist, social scientist, and activist from Peru, who was one of the first to emphasize adapting classical Marxist theory to the particular conditions of Latin America.
Contact: Monthly Review Press, 146 W 29th St, Suite 6W, New York, NY 10001; 212-691- 2555; [email protected]; http://mrzine.monthly review.org/.
IMMIGRATION – The 1996 U.S. Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act has led to the forcible deportation of more than thirty thousand Dominicans from the United States. In Banished To The Homeland, professors David C. Brotherton and Luis Barrios follow thousands of Dominican deportees over a seven-year period, to capture the experience of emigration, imprisonment, banishment, and repatriation.
Contact: Columbia University Press, 61 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023; 212-459- 0600; [email protected]; http://cup.columbia.edu/.
CIVIL RESISTANCE – Sharp’s Dictionary of Power and Struggle is a new reference work, by Gene Sharp, which explains the terminology of civilian struggle. Nearly 1,000 entries describing the ideologies, political systems, strategies, methods, and concepts that form the center of nonviolent action are provided.
Contact: Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016-4314; 212-726-6113; [email protected]; www.oup.com/us.
ESSAY – In Revolutions in Reverse: Essays on Politics, Art, Violence and Imagination, David Graber explores political strategy, global trade, debt, aesthetics and alienation in the wake of the globalization movement and the rise of the war on terror.
Contact: [email protected]; http://www.minorcompositions.info/?p=284.
AFRICAN WOMEN – I Dare To Say: African Women Tell Their Stories of Hope and Survival is a collection of accounts illuminating the daily struggles of contemporary African women. The book covers issues such as rape, HIV/AIDS, war and domestic abuse.
Contact: Independent Publishers Group, 814 N. Franklin St., Chicago, IL 60610; 312-337-0747; [email protected]; http://www.ipgbook.com/.
CHE/CIA – In Who Killed Che? How the CIA Got Away With Murder, Michael Ratner and Michael Steven Smith recount in detail the life and death of Che Guevara using internal U.S. government documentation.
Contact: OR Books; [email protected]; http://www.orbooks.com/.
DEMOCRACY – In Democracy Unleashed! How Americans Can Organize to Govern, Robert Kubala examines why genuine democracy is needed in the U.S., how it has been denied, and presents ways to build it.
Contact: [email protected]; available at lulu.com.
CIVILIZATION – The Crisis of Civilization is a new documentary film investigating how global crisis like ecological disaster, financial meltdown, dwindling oil reserves, terrorism and food shortages are converging symptoms of a single, failed global system.
Contact: http://crisisofcivilization.com/.
SHORT FILM – Media That Matters 11 is the 11th annual release of short films from independent and youth filmmakers. Titles include It’s Their Life: LGBT Teens In Chicago and Burning Barriers.
Contact: http://www.mediathatmattersfest.org/.
OCCUPY WALL STREET – Music For Revolution is accepting and posting submissions of original songs written in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street.
Contact: http://musicforrevolution.com/.
PEACE – Musicians For Freedom is accepting submissions for its website. Music, comedy, visual arts, poetry, performance, drama, readings-anything representing a peaceful revolutionary voice.
Contact: 720-298-1524; http://musicians4freedom.com/.