Cal Winslow
Cal Winslow is a retired Fellow in Environmental History at the University of California, Berkeley and is Director of the Mendocino Institute. He was trained as an historian at Antioch College and Warwick University where he studied under the direction of the late Edward Thompson. He is a co-author of the re-released Albion's Fatal Tree (Verso 2011). In the 1970s he worked as a warehouseman, truck driver and journalist, a participant in and observer of the rank-and-file workers’ rebellion of the decade. He is an editor of Rebel Rank and File, Labor Militancy and Revolt from below During the Long 1970s (Verso, 2010). He taught labor studies at the Center for Worker Education, City College of New York and was a visiting Senior Lecturer at the Northern College for Residential Adult Working Class Education in South Yorkshire. His is author of many books, including E.P. Thompson and the Making of the New Left (Monthly Review 2014). His most recent is Radical Seattle, the General Strike of 1919 (Monthly Review, 2019). He lives with his family on the Mendocino Coast of Northern California. He and his wife, Faith Simon, a Family Nurse Practitioner specializing in pediatrics, are founding members of Mendocino Parents for Peace and are associated with the Bay Area gathering Retort.