Simon Kaiwai applies a kiwicando attitude to addressing the problems in today's society with a view to returning sovereignty back to the hapu (village of families) through the national political vehicle in New Zealand with PALParty.
PALParty is a unique hybrid of popular and representative govermenance built on lawful and moral principles formally giving power back to the people in a structured way using popular democratic, associative and lawful principles. For more info
The Hapu is sovereign in society because it is the smallest sustainable / responsible association to the land (rohe). As such it is less prone to corruption or uncompatible decisions from afar. This movement uses words like haputanga, manatanga and free will with cause and effect.
Families are the foundation for the Hapu, Hapu's are the foundation for the nation, nations are the foundation for the family of Man.
Simon Kaiwai also initiated the www.kohacooperative which is designed to be a free information resource for communities to start exersizing their popular democratic right now. It includes how to set up a community currency. Simon's personal blog can be found at
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