The Oliver Anthony song “Rich Men North of Richmond” has gone viral in recent days, becoming the anthem for the Republican party. Some (but definitely not all) of Anthony’s anger is understandable. After all, we’re suffering under a very broken and sick system. The problem is, Anthony’s anger, and the anger of millions of other Americans, is directed at the wrong people; it’s directed at people who are suffering just like they are. And the twisted irony is that Anthony’s anger, and the anger of millions of other Americans, is being exploited by the very people who are the source of that anger. You couldn’t make this up.
If you’re need of an antedote to this sad state of affairs, have a spoonful of the brilliant Billy Bragg’s “Rich Men Earning North of a Million”. I’ve copied the lyrics here in case you want a double helping.
Rich Men Earning North of a Million
If you’re selling your soul, working all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
Nothing’s gonna change if all you do
Is wish you could wake up and it not be true
Join a union, fight for better pay
Join a union, brother, organise today
You’ll see where the problem really lies
When the union comes around:
Rich men earning north of a million
Wanna keep the working folk down
Wanna keep the working folk down
If you form a union, you’ll soon find
That working people are all of one kind
So we ain’t gonna punch down on those who need
A bit of understanding and some solidarity
That ain’t right, friend
If you’re struggling with your health, putting on the pounds
Doctor gives you opiates to help you get around
Wouldn’t it be better for folks like you and me
If medicine was subsidised and healthcare was free
Join a union, fight for better pay
Join a union, sister, organise today
It comes down to the self same thing
If you’re black or white or brown:
Rich men earning north of a million
Wanna keep the working folk down
Wanna keep the working folk down
We know your culture wars are there to distract
While libertarian billionaires avoid paying tax
You want to talk about bathrooms while the flood waters rise,
The forest is on fire and the wind burns our eyes
Something’s wrong here
They want to divide us, because together we’re strong,
Are you gonna take action now you’ve sung your damn song?
If you don’t like the rich man having total control,
You better get the union to roll
Join a union, fight for better pay
Join a union, organise today
Don’t matter if you live in the city
Or some little country town
Rich men earning north of a million
Rich men earning north of a million
Rich men earning north of a million
Wanna keep the working folk down
Wanna keep the working folk down
If you’re selling your soul, working all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
Join a union
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