My Facebook feed is inundated with memes of the recent news that the leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is not so conservative when it comes to etiquette at dinner parties. An “unauthorised” tell-all biography of David Cameron describes a story in which a young Cameron had “inserted a private part of his anatomy into” a dead pig’s mouth at an event for an exclusive dining society. Needless to say, many of the memes featured a very distraught Peppa Pig.
It took some time, but Cameron has now publicly denied the allegations (although photographic evidence is alleged to exist). These allegations were made by a vengeful Lord Ashcroft who, after donating millions of pounds to the Conservative Party before 2010, was turned down for a ministerial position. The story goes that the incident was all part of an initiation ceremony for an elite society akin to the Skull and Bones. This wasn’t the only society in which Cameron was a member. He was also part of the notorious Bullingdon Club for which the initiation was an exercise in class war: burning a 50 pound note (around US$75) in front of a beggar.
These recently exposed incidents are shocking and disgusting. But these incidents pale in comparison to Cameron’s other crimes. This pig incident was just the tip (if you would permit the phrasing) of the iceberg of indiscretions.
Speaking of tips, one such inappropriate act, is David Cameron’s pledge to support the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, commonly referred to as TTIP. This free trade agreement between Europe and the U.S. is currently being discussed behind closed doors – which is why WikiLeaks has promised a reward of US$151,000 (100,000 pounds) for more information about the deal. What is known about TTIP thus far are the plans to harmonize standards between the two economic blocs leading to very legitimate fears that higher standards for food, medicine, environment, banking, etc. … would be reduced. It has already been revealed that TTIP negotiations have led the EU to pause legislation regulating pesticides that contain endocrine disrupting chemicals which lower IQ, increase obesity, and may play a role in causing infertility, autism and diabetes (and thus would also cost the EU around US$238 billion a year). In addition, TTIP would allow corporations additional means of suing governments for violating property rights using “ad hoc international tribunals” without an appeals system
Another gross act by Cameron were his plans to remove free school meals for infants. Of course this was not just Cameron’s idea, but it does appear to be on the list of ‘cost-saving’ plans to be revealed in the government’s November spending review – a government in which Cameron is the leader. There was so much publicity made of this quite callous move that the Conservatives were forced to scrap those plans and move on to cutting the budget somewhere else. (Perhaps something to do with toddlers?)
Actually, that “something” is likely to send 40,000 children into poverty. Currently in the U.K. households are allowed a maximum of US$39,000 (26,000 pounds) of government benefits per year – across a range of benefit schemes. The Conservative Party is planning to axe that to US$34,000 (23,000 pounds). According to the government’s own assessment, it means that those 40,000 children will be living below the poverty line – nearly doubling the number of children already living in poverty. It seems like Cameron and the Conservatives will do anything to save a buck – surprising for a guy who literally burned money.
Apparently, the Conservatives are also willing do anything to earn a buck. Just a few weeks ago the U.K. hosted an authoritarian-approved military weapons fair – the largest in the world. This is all part of the U.K. Trade and Investment Defense & Security Organization’s plans to raise funds by arming ‘friendly’ regimes – regardless of whether or not they are committing grave violations against children by, for example, using child soldiers. Between June 2010 and March 2015 Prime Minister Cameron and the coalition government “approved military licences worth more than 735 million pounds (US$1.135 billion) to countries blacklisted by the U.N. committee responsible for protecting the rights of the child”.
There are many additional, and equally disgusting, things that David Cameron has done that far outweigh his swine perversions – although the animals of Ashdown Forest are very concerned for Piglet’s safety. While the more recent crimes of Cameron are perhaps not as visceral or vomit-inducing as the image conjured up by Cameron’s disturbing alleged sexual acts, they are certainly much more disturbing in their consequence. The pig event could be worse. We could perhaps envision a scene (although perhaps we shouldn’t) in which Cameron were to fornicate with an unconsenting live animal and be concerned about the animal’s well-being. We could question whether Cameron was involved in purchasing the dead pig and thereby contributed to an industry that tortures and slaughters intelligent and empathic animals. But what we gain from knowing that Cameron stuck a private part into a dead pig’s mouth is that he is capable of other gross acts that are unacceptable in our society – other acts that have severe consequences for other people.
Maybe now that some people have seen Cameron in this new, disgusting light they can reassess his policies and see them for what they are: gross and unacceptable. Yes, in this metaphor the British people play the role of the pig’s mouth.
Eugene Nulman (@eugenenulman) is a Lecturer in Sociology at Birmingham City University where he researches social movements and their outcomes. He is the author of the upcoming book Climate Change and Social Movements: Civil Society and the Development of National Climate Change Policy and is a member of the International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS).
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1 Comment
It all comes back to Orwell from 1984 to animal farm but is Cameron not descended from a long line of……