Dear Venezuelan People,
Thirty years after the defeat of Allende’s government and Popular Unity in Chile, the first socialist government of the region, Venezuela welcomed me as my third homeland. Cuba, my second homeland, had received me with open arms to shelter me from the persecution of Pinochet’s dictatorship.
In Venezuela, joined to Hugo Chávez, I saw my hopes reborn and I received immense love from many of you who thanked me for accompanying your president in the exciting struggle to build a homeland free and sovereign, fraternal and solidarian, especially with the poorest inside and outside the country.
Today, the continuity of the process is threatened. That is what we should all see with great clarity. There are many weaknesses that must be overcome. There are many errors that must be rectified. There are many offended to whom amends must be made. But that should not prevent us from all joining in this wonderful project that unites us more than any differences, in order to achieve the victory of those candidates in each place that will assure the continuation of this project.
I hope with all my heart that in the coming election the Venezuelan people will not make the same errors that we Chileans made. In our homeland, while the conservative forces became unified to defeat Allende, the progressive forces and the left were divided.
I also hope that the progressive sectors and the left of the world understand what is at stake today in this country and that they form an international protective cordon around this process.
Venezuela should continue being a torch that illuminates the road!
Venezuela should continues building the hopes of so many men and women inside and outside of its frontiers who struggle for a better world!
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1 Comment
Yes. Absolutely!