Oftentimes in culture, it is up to the older siblings to teach the younger siblings the extent of values that cannot be impacted upon them by their parents. I can recall many quiet (and several rather loud) conversations with my little brother and sister about the way things are, the way things should be, right, wrong, and most importantly, the family ways of getting things done.
In the case of
CNN.com reported on 12/24/07 that no officers would be charged for the use of cluster bombs during the 2006 conflict against Hezbollah in particular and the Lebanese population in general. (http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/12/24/israel.cluster.bombs.ap/index.html) According to the article, as many as one million bomblets dropped on
Of course, The United States would know a thing or two about the misuse of cluster bombs. So would
According to Wendy Batson of Handicap International, between the years 1964 and 1973, the United States Air Force dropped 90 million cluster bomblets, thirty percent of which failed to detonate as intended. The bombings came at a rate of one per 8 minutes-for 9 years. These unexploded bombs continue to kill Laotians everyday, and have killed 12,000 people since 1973.
The United States has said little about it, and has certainly not taken any steps to even consider prosecuting the officers who ordered the bombings that continue to kill and maim even nearly 35 years later, so why would anyone expect anything else out of Israel, even with a slight verbal (and quite hypocritical) wristslap from the U.S. State Department?
Israel is part of “the family”. Even if it’s rebuked in public, in private, family tends to support one another. This is no exception.
The good news is that on the international front, many countries are starting to work together to rid the world of the plague of cluster bombs. There was a conference in
Let us hope that this leads to new lessons learned by the older sibling, and that the younger sibling starts to absorb these new standards sooner as opposed to later.
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