I have held off commenting on the goings-on since my last entry because of the intrigue and utter insanity that characterizes the Greek and European political scene since the historic “NO” vote of July 5th, 2015.
We have seen an apparent betrayal of the Syriza program and of the rhetoric of the government’s position. That is clear.
What we can say is that — under the transparent duress imposed on Greece by the Troika of the EU, ECB, and the IMF — is that, “this is what Disaster Capitalism looks like.”. It it precisely self-determination, sovereignty, and democracy that are under attack. The interests of lenders, investors and profit are prevailing over the will of the people when it comes to those in positions of power.
It is also the case that Greeks apparently do “fetishize” the Euro and desire it more than they they desire the struggles necessary to regain their sovereignty, even in the face of openly-admitted unsustainable austerity, debt, and memoranda.
All political scenaria are still in play in my view, and ideological class warfare is still ongoing. It is also clear that — even Keynesians like Krugman, Stiglitz, and others say — that the economics of the Greek case are NOT the issue as much as the POLITICAL ECONOMY is. It clearly is NOT about economics. This is bigger than Greece — way bigger.
Even in its apparent “betrayal”, Syriza has exposed and opened further cracks in the undemocratic foundations of the European project and those of an EU that is in clear trouble.
Having said that, I still do not have high hopes for an outright success of Syriza transforming the EU into a democratic institution. Sovereignty is a secondary issue at best for them, and for too many Greeks, in my opinion.
We must also recognize the geo-political forces and interests directly and indirectly in play in this scenario, involving the West’s interests in the region and vis-a-vis Russia. These might end up larger variables than meet the eye.
Who — at the end end of the day — are the “extremists”? The communists? The Nazis? The anarchists? Or the capitalist oligarchs?
One thing is clear: this insanity is what “Disaster Capitalism” — not democracy — looks like! So, let’s not be too quick to cast the first stone.
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