The farmers are back,
Like the soil that takes all beatings
And returns to feed us bounties.
Bandits with blessings
Made that bid they always make
To dishonour the burgeoning crop,
But the grain stood tall
In truth, brushing aside the
Venom from the sheath.
Word goes far and wide
That this is no ordinary tide
That the cunning dykes of a state
Gone rogue may withstand long.
This once the swell of the sea
May not subside without
The righting of the wrong.
Men of fickle faith,
Strangers to the soil,
Drink now of the draught
Of courage that the women,
Young and old, and men
Of resolute mind and labour
Hold out against the dissembling
Droplets of state;
Put your weight behind the tide,
Let the waters that rise
Wash clean the spoils of office;
Let frightened surmise
Yield to the strenuous bliss
That sprouts from the soil and the sea,
Let a new heaven and a new earth
Come to be.
Nature’s guardians show us
What we have been unable to see.
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