‘The Wrecking Crew’ exposes Republican
governance by greed and incompetence
By Roger Bybee
"I believe in the division of labor. You send us to Congress; we pass laws under which you make money…and out of your profits, you further contribute to our campaign funds to send us back again to pass more laws to enable you to make more money."
— Senator Boies Penrose, Republican –
Some whiners might point to the deceptive path to the disastrous Iraq War, the federal government’s "heckuva job" performance on Hurricane Katrina, and now the great meltdown of de-regulated Wall Street as evidence that the last eight years of Republican rule has represented continuous failure.
But Thomas Frank, author of the superb new best-seller The Wrecking Crew, views such problems as the inevitable results of a hard-line new conservative philosophy that views government first and foremost as a giant opportunity for private plunder, secondly as a resource for to reward favored campaign contributors, and finally, as a chance to show the public that they should rely exclusively on the market, not the hopelessly incompetent government. Judged by this, the Wrecking Crew Republicans have been spectacularly successful.
In case anyone draws another conclusion–say, that the problem is with Republican vultures ruling the roost rather than government itself–the Republicans try to wipe their slate clean by claiming that certain excesses were committed merely due to the capital’s "culture of corruption." What’s needed are "mavericks like John McCain and Sarah Palin who can come in and "reform" government with bold ideas like completing George W. Bush’s program of tax breaks (with 52% going to the richest 1%) and "winning" the war in Iraq after more than 4,000 Americans and over one million Iraqi civilians have lost their lives.
Of course, we needn’t be troubled by ancient history like McCain’s votes for de-regulating the finance and insurance industries or Palin scooping up $25 million for her tiny Alaskan village. After all, they’re "outsiders" running against
Frank depicts today’s
Frank illustrates how present-day Republicans improved on Sen. Penrose’s arrangement through the "K Street Project." Spearheaded by then-Speaker Tom DeLay, the Project entailed business lobby groups ridding themselves of Democratic lobbyists and contributing exclusively to Republicans, in exchange for unparalleled influence in crafting industry-friendly laws. "It was a win-win proposition," Frank points out.
"Business would reap the rich rewards of their political investments, the political entrepreneurs of the right would prosper; and the left would simply starve."
Grover Norquist, one of the central players in developing the ruling Republican strategy, lectures business leaders that they ought to invest more on campaign contributions and lobbying. Norquist recommended a Fortune article to Frank stating that "the return on lobbying investments can be truly enormous," using numbers like 163,356% to drive home the point.
The connection between private industry’s payoffs and policy paybacks has become more efficient than ever under the new GOP strategy. Thus, we had the spectacle of Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.), chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, ramming through a Medicare drug bill written precisely to the pharmaceutical industry’s specifications–specifically forbidding the federal government from negotiating discounts for the public–and then being rewarded with a $2 million position as the president of the drug industry’s lobbying organization.
The Republicans’ smooth-running legislative machine was oiled by the unshakeable dedication of Bush and Cheney to "market-based government, but Norquist and others who met as Young Republicans–like Jack Abramoff, Ralph Reed, and Karl Rove– supplied the creative genius needed to convert the conservative movement into a vehicle for profit. One group of young conservatives found that the cause of the US-created Nicaraguan contras, despite their preference for killing "soft targets" like teachers and nurses over combat with real soldiers–was a big money-raiser. Out of $12 million donated by wealthy American right-wingers in the mid-1980’s, only $2.7 million actually reached the contras, the remainder siphoned off by cynical and newly-wealthy young rightists.
Abramoff–despite the religious pieties he spouted–moved from a right-wing campus bully into ever-bigger arenas. His student organization, the International Freedom Foundation, essentially served as a PR front group to legitimate South African apartheid policies. Abramoff eventually became a remarkably successful political entrepreneur selling his vast influence. He was richly rewarded for protecting the brutal, almost slavish sweatshop conditions in the
But as Frank stresses, Abramoff’s downfall was dismissed by many conventional commentators as merely a case of him "going native" in the inevitable
Thus, we have the Department of Labor defining business–rather than workers-as its "primary customer." We see the occupation of
Much of
"By now over $100 billion has been spent, but parts of
This shameful episode reflects more than greed and opportunism in the face of unspeakable misery, Frank warns us. Quoting the muckraking journalist Lincoln Steffens, the corruption of recent years is simply not a string of separate crimes but "a natural process by which a democracy us made gradually over into a plutocracy," a government by and for the wealthy.
Roger Bybee is a Milwaukee-based writer whose work has appeared in Z magazine, Extra!, The Progressive, Progressive Populist, In These Times, Isthmus, Common Dreams.org and other publications and websites. His e-mail is
His website is http://www.zmag.org/zspace/rogerdbybee
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