Such was the oratory of the day
That as the syllables smashed
A thud was heard in the market-place—
The price of onions crashed.
So fierce were the masticated words,
And so vigorously deployed,
That idle millions glued to them
Felt they were all employed.
So threatening was the demeanour,
So puissant the command
That the enemy crumbled at the knees,
As guns went limp in their hand.
And the silences were potent too,
With due regard to hustings;
The Lynchers know they need not fear
The consequence of their bustings.
Women, Dalits, Minorites
May not have been in the peroration,
Such matters, after all, are low
On a day of celebration.
Such was the oratory of the day
That carpers all fell silent,
While nation-builders flexed some more
Their loyal muscles violent.
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