Reports now emanating from the White House and 110 Downing Street in London clearly indicate the dogged determination of the Bush administration with the strong backing of Tony Blair’s Labor government, to wage war against Iraq as soon as possible. In complete defiance of global anti-war public opinion — that brought millions of people into the streets throughout the United States, Britain and every corner of the world — Washington and London are pressing forward.
The massive U.S. military buildup in the Gulf region is now driving the Iraq crisis diplomacy. The war hawks’ message to the United Nations and the people of the world is, “To hell with you. We’re waging war whether you like it or not!”
But there is still a chance to stop this war. We stand on the edge of a global catastrophe, and our response must be based on the needs of a world-wide crisis-level mobilization.
Over the next few weeks and months the antiwar movement must be on an emergency footing. We must surpass the determination of President Bush and the warmongers to wage war by escalating all of our efforts to prevent war. Our message to Bush, to Blair, to the governments around the facing massive U.S. pressure to join their crusade, is “The World Says No to War!”
The next weeks are critical for demonstrating continued widespread local, national and global opposition to the rapid war preparations underway by the U.S. Our challenge to the war drive comes in the form of cities saying no to war, of massive outpouring of people into the streets to demonstrate our opposition, of political pressure on our elected officials, of demonstrations of thanks to the United Nations and governments still standing defiant of the U.S. pressure for war.
Several activities are now planned in the coming weeks to show opposition to a war against Iraq.
United for Peace and Justice urges everyone to actively participate in ALL of the various protest activities indicated below. We must double and triple all of our efforts to march in the streets, to lobby in the suites, to go to jail as well as to write, e-mail and call the White House, our legislators and the media with one clear message, “THE WORLD SAYS NO TO WAR!”
Below are some priority days of action to focus on. We recognize that there are many, many other fabulous initiatives for peace activists to join and we encourage you to seek them out and share your events with the world by posting to
March 1: PILGRIMAGE OF PRAYER AND WITNESS FOR PEACE IN WASHINGTON, DC — People who are based in or near Washington, DC are encouraged to participate in this African-American led, faith-based, multi-racial event. Meet at the U.S. State Department, 2201 C Street, NW on March 1 at Noon. For more information, call Black Voices for Peace, 202-232-5690
March 5: ONE-DAY NATIONAL STUDENT STRIKE — Books Not Bombs! Stop The War Against Iraq! and the NATIONAL MORATORIUM TO STOP THE WAR The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC) calls upon students on campuses across the United States to join us in a one-day student strike on March 5th, 2003. For more information see the National Youth and Student Coalition Website. Walk out of school (if you?re a student) or cancel your classes (if you’re a professor).
Show your determination to stop this war! Call in sick or close your business. For ideas on the national moratorium, go to
MARCH 8: JOIN WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD TO CALL FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY For 92 years women around the world have been marking International Women’s Day with calls for a more peace and justice-centered world. We urge you to join in this rich tradition and COME TO WASHINGTON D.C. FOR THE WOMEN-LED ANTI-WAR MARCH ON SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2003 or to organize an International Women’s Day Peace and Justice event in your community. Post your events at
United for Peace and Justice and other groups have made International Women’s Day actions a priority both because of the impacts war has on women and children and because this year’s celebration falls on the day following Hans Blix’s next report to the United Nations Security Council.
March 8 in Washington, DC
11:00 a.m. – RALLY at Malcolm X Park (16th St. between U and Euclid NW)
1:00 p.m. – March to Encircle the White House
Join with Alice Walker, Vandana Shiva, comedian Janeane Garofalo, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Granny D, Susan Griffith, Barbara Ehrenreich, Amy Goodman, Rania Masri, Michelle Shocked, feminist theologian Chung Hyun Kyung, Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams, Cheri Honkala, Maxine Hong Kingston, Inga Muscio, Terry Tempest Williams, Medea Benjamin, Starhawk, and many others to say no to war and yes to policies that reflect the values of peace, compassion, generosity, and the recognition of the interconnectedness of the whole human family.
For details on the march and the week of activities in Washington, see or or call The Women?s Peace Vigil at 202-393-5016 or e-mail [email protected]
Other ideas for International Women’s day activities include The Women’s Strike for Peace
And the 2nd Annual International Women’s Day Global Peace vigil
The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition and other organizations are calling for an Emergency National Anti-War Convergence to TAKE IT TO THE WHITE HOUSE on Saturday, March 15. There will be a parallel activities in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Go to
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