Baghdad. Sheikh Ghazi Ajil al-Yawer, the civil engineer and tribal leader who is to be the new president, contradicted George Bush’s suggestion that the notorious prison of Abu Ghraib be torn down. It is not that the sheikh has any affection for the place, but he probably foresaw another fat new contract looming for some foreign building company. Anyway, the damage done to the American image in Iraq cannot be undone by removing the scene of the crime.
More importantly, the sheikh came out against last week’s American order banning the radical cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, from taking part in Iraq‘s first democratic elections in January. It was an odd decision for a country which claims to be bringing democracy to Iraq. It appeared to have the support of the new prime minister, Ayad Allawi, who issued a statement welcoming the tough US line on illegal militias. The larger Shia parties in the government also went along with it. The cleric is their political rival, and to have him off the ballot would no doubt be in their short-term interest.
The sheikh, by contrast, argued that it is far better to get radicals to join the political process than leave them outside the tent, a sentiment that al-Sadr seems to share. His officials say he is planning to start a political party.
On one key issue even Allawi, a long-time US favourite, has dared to defy Washington. He wants Saddam Hussein and all other Iraqi detainees transferred to Iraqi custody by June 30, a plea which George Bush is furiously resisting. Almost no Iraqis want to see the dictator back in power, but it is a matter of national pride that they should be the ones to hold him and run his trial. He is not a trophy in Bush’s election campaign, but a man they wish to punish themselves.
Welcome though this ministerial dissent is, most Iraqis treat it as minor murmuring. The prevailing view is that the Americans will continue to run the show after June 30 and that the new government will not want or be able to resist them on the big issue of security.
Outsiders will also control most spending, since Iraq‘s only source of revenue – oil – will continue to be deposited in a development fund set up by the UN during the sanctions era. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia still have billions of dollars in compensation claims. Other countries demand debt repayments, and none of the multi-million-dollar contracts signed by the occupation authorities with US companies can be reviewed.
“We can’t trust anyone from the new government, or from the United States,” Baida Muhsen, a young MA student in a white hijab, told me this week. “After the so-called liberation all Iraqis were hopeful, but I really regret to say that after what happened in Abu Ghraib, I would rather be protected by inefficient Iraqis than by the Americans.”
Working near her in Baghdad University‘s internet room, Ahmed Nuri, another MA student, was equally gloomy.
“The Americans will force the new government to do what they want. They have no choice. Many of the ministers have western passports. How can they say no?”
As car bombs tear away at Iraqi society, the issue of the new government’s powers has become secondary. The stuff of every conversation nowadays is the daily carnage, and the kidnappings and assassinations that go with it. People are asking the “will and would”
questions. Will violence abate in July after the handover of sovereignty? Would violence abate if the Americans pulled out altogether?
The first question is the easier one to answer. If two months ago there was a vague hope that the violence which is motivated by nationalist resentment over occupation would diminish once an Iraqi government took over, people now are almost universally pessimistic.
US troops will remain at a level of 140,000 at least until October, according to US officials, and there are no plans to reduce their visibility. Even if the formal occupation is over, Iraqis expect to see little change on July 1. Resistance to the Americans will continue as before. Those who work with the occupation will remain targets, just as they are today.
Whether violence would lessen if the Americans began to pull out is the harder question. Bush and Blair promise they will not “cut and run” or leave Iraqis in the lurch. A poll taken at the end of April found 42% of Iraqis saying they would feel safer if the Americans left their country immediately. Only 29% said they would be less safe. Another poll in mid May found the trend increasing: 55% felt life would be more secure if the Americans withdrew.
As the climate of fear increases and more Iraqis fall victim to violence, people’s attitudes become volatile.
A conversation that starts as a long litany of complaints about American mistakes and crimes, sometimes ends with the argument that the Americans should clear up their own mess before they go. Others are panicked by uncertainty, and want everything – the resurrection of the Iraqi army, the old police force back on the streets, and the Americans to stay in the background as an insurance policy just in case.
Only real politics can begin to resolve the issue. The fact that Moqtada al-Sadr may decide to stand in the forthcoming elections is a valuable development. He is the only well-known politician who has dared to call for an early American withdrawal. By throwing the issue into the arena – provided the Americans are forced to let him take part in the polls – he will oblige other politicians to take a stand. It will become increasingly hard for senior Iraqis to avoid the issue, and they will have to respond to the public mood.
An open debate over the future of the US presence will also put pressure on the Americans to hasten the reinstatement and re-equipping of Iraqi forces, and begin to plan for a parallel cutback in their deployments as Iraqis take over. The old Bush/Blair mantra of “not staying one day longer than necessary”
has to be fleshed out with a serious and publicly announced programme of phased withdrawal.
Dreams of keeping long-term American bases in Iraq need to be abandoned, and a real test of whether John Kerry is any different from the incumbent has to be whether the Democratic party candidate will give the no-bases pledge.
Iraq is going through very dark days, and the importing of foreign terrorism, which was unknown to Iraqis until the American invasion brought it on, is spooking everyone. Liberation will only come when the Americans leave.
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