“The late September NBC/WSJ poll found that 58 percent of Americans believe the US should initiate military action to destroy Iran’s ability to make nuclear weapons . . . Support for military action against Iran has steadily increased throughout the Obama presidency. In 2008, opponents of war outnumbered supporters by 5 points, 41-46. By March 2012, supporters had seized a 12-point lead. Over the last six months, that margin has doubled to 25 points." Record Support for Strikes Against Iran Ahead of Debate, Nate Cohn.
This tells us so much about Americans. First, that they never lose their appetite for war. They just dislike not winning and have a short attention span. Eleven years or so in Afghanistan is enough time to kill and be killed without achieving "victory." So Americans are now ready and anxious to move on to the next war, to take another shot (pun intended), to once again kill and to sacrifice other people's children in behalf of “freedom”. Second, Americans NEVER learn from history as they pay little attention to what is going on around them, except perhaps to Lindsey Lohan’s drug problem or Prince Harry’s party weekend in Las Vegas. They easily forget or never realized that Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan were disasters, criminal, and had devastating effects upon America’s economy and its status in the world. Third, Americans are like sheep, easily led by virtually the same criminals who clearly have something to gain by perpetual war for why else would they again and again reap such death and destruction upon their own countrymen/women and the world. Sheep convinced once again that this time war will be different; that this time the threat is real, and immediate, and dire; that this time war IS necessary; that this time military action IS the answer; that this time we will win.
I grieve for the victims of war, for our soldiers who will lose their lives and sanity, and for those they will kill. I grieve for all who must live their lives in a world plagued by such a violent and ignorant people. I grieve for my children and my grandchildren.
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