The spread of neoliberalism around the globe in the last quarter
century has greatly increased human insecurity. The United States became a
provider not of global security but rather insecurity. The destruction of the
environment under the established regime is often seen to be the major source
of human insecurity. At a deeper level, however, it is clear that the underlying
malady is neoliberal capitalism, the logic of which precludes addressing the
demise of the global ecosystem, poverty and hegemonic wars. Mainstream
academics have characteristically saluted the neoliberal agenda and
proceeded to reinforce and propagate the ideology underlying the deceptive
mantra that there is no alternative. Human security is sorely lacking in a
world where people are being vaporized by increasingly horrible forms of
bombs, where about half of the population make less than two US dollars a
day, where urban slum colonies proliferate, and where war budgets eat up
ever larger portions of national state budgets.
Environment, Financial Terrorism, Global Poverty, Human Security,
Neoliberalism, United States, War
Eddie J. Girdner, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Political Science
and International Relations, Ba
skent University, Ankara, Turkey.
The socialist dream was the faith that human kind would have
the wisdom not to destroy itself through capitalist greed. So far, we
cannot say that there is very much evidence that this is the case. What
we have seen in the last three decades is the unleashing of that greed
through the forcing upon the world of a system of so-called
neoliberalism. Some aspects are new but it is not liberal. Under this
regime, no effort has been spared to crush the utopian dreams, to
make sure that this faith has been discarded beyond repair never to
rise again from the ashes of its demise. The only consolation is that
the global powers pushing this new vision of global totalitarian rule
are themselves reaching their demise as history passes their
collapsing empires by. Most notably, the United States, whose power
grab on an unprecedented scale, has blown up in its face and
strengthened rival powers.
1 In late 2008, rather than provide security
to the international community, the excesses of greed on Wall Street
brought down the global financial system. After preaching to the
entire world about the need to nationalize their banks, the
Government of the United States of America was seen scrambling to
nationalize its own banks. The lesson should be obvious to
policymakers around the world.
The post World War II myth was that the US would be the
provider of global security. In fact, what history has shown is that
global empires cannot provide security even to themselves. A
superpower on the decline may become a provider of global
insecurity as its historical global declining.
Human Security and the Environment
Human security, or the security of the people, is sometimes
seen to be focused upon the environment, particularly the effects
associated with global warming from greenhouse gas emissions such
as nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane. The polar ice caps
are melting faster than anyone previously imagined. Storms such as
catastrophic hurricanes are more frequent and many types of unusual
weather patterns are occurring. Al Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient
Truth” has brought these phenomena to the attention of the world.
Eddie J. Girdner, USA and the New Middle East, New Delhi, Gyan
Publishers, 2008.
No doubt these effects constitute serious threats to human
security, but of course more often to the very poor around the world
than to others. They are seriously important, but this paper will not
focus upon the environment. This is because it is a problem that in
my view is not going to be solved, although there will be a good deal
of tinkering over the problem.
This approach is quite pessimistic, but in my view, the problem
simply cannot be addressed under the present system of neoliberal
capitalism. This is because preserving and protecting the environment
contradicts the fundamental logic of profits and significant economic
2 Just to stabilize global warming, emissions would have to be
cut by some 50 percent. This is simply not going to happen under the
present global economic system. Even the most efficient countries
will not do this, much less the greenhouse gas champion of the world,
the USA. Nor will China and India significantly cut greenhouse gas
emissions, as they need a high rate of economic growth and have
massive populations. Corporate profits will always win out as long as
the present system of global economy based upon profits and
capitalist accumulation is in place.
Nor will citizen action make very much difference. Big
corporations will act quickly to neutralize efforts by more
environmentally aware citizens. Green-washing ads now paint oil
corporations, such as Shell and Exxon, as pioneers in environmental
preservation. The public relations industry has proven to be highly
effective in spreading corporate lies and business propaganda. Big
corporations cannot kill the environmental movement, but they can
partially co-opt it, using it to conceal some of their sins. When they
really meet serious challenges, they sue in courts. They move into
every niche to pollute more and increase their profits. Governments,
for the most part, act in complicity with big corporations,
encouraging them to move away from highly polluted areas and into
clean areas, so as to pollute even more. In the same way, polluting
corporations exploit ignorance and lack of environmental awareness.
When McDonalds is stopped from using ozone- damaging Styrofoam
Eddie J. Girdner and Jack Smith, Killing Me Softly: Toxic Waste; Corporate
Profit and the Struggle for Environmental Justice
, New York, Monthly
Review Press, 2002.
containers in the US by environmentalists, the company rushes the
same polluting materials to third world countries to continue to
degrade the environment the same way there. In other words, these
corporations know they are killing the earth, but they proceed to
bulldoze their way forward to kill it ever quicker to sustain their
profits. They may post some pictures of green trees as a further insult
to people’s intelligence, as British Petroleum (BP) has painted its
petrol stations with yellow and green and painted flowers upon its
walls. But without some alternative economic system which is not
based upon the logic of capitalism, we can “kiss the environment
good bye.”
Rather, this paper will focus upon a somewhat different
contradiction. The deeper malady is neoliberalism. At the same time,
there is a contradiction between “national security” and “human
security.” This is seen in war and imperialism.
Today, to focus upon “human security” is seen as something
new, but I do not really believe that this is true. In the past many
writers have focused upon this issue but have simply been ignored.
The concerns of the lesser people generally have been pushed aside
throughout history. History seldom records how many innocent
people die in the fray. This is so, it seems, because history,
international relations, international politics, and so on, have
generally been viewed from the ruling class point of view.
The Pressure to Avoid the Truth in Academia
Academics and thinkers who focus upon the truth, rather than
serving the ideological needs of the ruling class, are generally
dismissed out of hand. They will generally not be able to easily
publish, at least not in prestigious journals and presses, which they
need in order to advance their careers. Those academics who do serve
the ruling class interests and ideology and are quite quickly proven to
be wrong, usually do not suffer any negative consequences. On the
other hand, those academics who were correct all along, but unable to
publish in prominent places, will get little or no credit for being
A clear example comes to mind. Francis Fukuyama became one
of the world’s most famous scholars by pushing false and foolish
views about neoliberalism in the l990s. The new “liberal” was to be
in style from now on. “The End of History and the Last Man” had to
be mentioned by everyone as a work of great erudition. A decade
later, even the United States of America was seen to nationalizing its
major banks and the era of neoliberalism had devastated countries
and people around the world. Neoliberalism was failing in even being
able to sustain itself as a viable global economic system. It is a major
disaster economically, socially, and environmentally. It is a system
which cannot long work and is being challenged increasingly.
3 Yet,
academics like Fukuyama maintain their elite status at prestigious
universities, while those who were honest and correct in their
criticism never gain recognition. Actually, it was the Marxists who
mainly criticized Fukuyama and they have been proven correct. Yet
who has asked Professor Fukuyama to account for his predictions
which have turned out to be so erroneous. It is not seen to matter as
his ideas were put forward in good faith in his duty of shoring up the
capitalist ideology of the ruling class.
The Monthly Review school in New York very accurately
chronicled the condition of the American economy and the likely
consequences of the build-up of massive household debt in its
publications. Yet, the academic establishment, as a part of the ruling
class, often avoids acknowledging the truth about the economic
system. Economists often cling to an ideology of the free market,
when it has little to do with facts in the real world. Because of this,
universities and academics frequently neglect their duty and public
trust to make the public aware of the truth, even when it contradicts
ideology. Chalmers Johnson is one of the many exceptions to this
trend in his recent probing of the American Empire.
4 Noam Chomsky,
known around the world, but not very well in America is another
example. Joseph Stiglitz in his criticism of IMF programs and the
disaster of the inordinate costs of the American-led wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq is another example of honest scholarship,
Eddie J. Girdner and Kalim Siddiqui, “Neoliberal Globalization, Poverty
Creation and Environmental Degradation in Developing Countries”,
International Journal of Environment and Development
, Vol. 5 (1), 2008,
pp. 1-27.
See his trilogy on the American Empire.
reported in such a way that non-academics can understand what is
really going on.
When academics in the social sciences, who have the
responsibility to study society and be honest about the degradation
brought about by actually existing neoliberal capitalism, jump on the
ideological bandwagon and advance their careers by advancing the
ruling class ideology, they become guilty of contributing to human
insecurity. When they promote privatization of social security,
pension schemes, medical benefits, under the argument that all will
be better off, then they have the responsibility to show whether it is
actually empirically true. Millions of individuals under neoliberal
privatization schemes saw their pension plans robbed of value by
greedy capitalists across the world in late 2008. When academics taut
the market, as the salvation for society, they greatly increase global
human insecurity. The people are told to trust the market. Yet when
the market fails, Wall Street, stock traders, politicians, bankers, and
all the so-called free marketers rush to be saved by the state.
Academics have an ethical responsibility to tell the truth in the
textbooks. Yet the real function of universities is to reproduce the
ruling class and the ruling ideology. Students are not to learn that the
only way that capitalism can be kept afloat is by being rescued
periodically by the state. They are not to understand that the people
are being robbed over and over. They are robbed when the system
collapses and they lose what little wealth they have built up. They are
robbed a second time when they pay taxes to bail out the bankers
whose greed collapses the enterprises. How long will such a system
be considered to be “just?”
War and Human Insecurity
War has been about what happens to the state, not about what
happens to the people. Who cares about the people? For Robert Fisk,
war is really about what happens to the people, that is, the tragedy of
all wars. “War is primarily not about victory of defeat but about death
and the infliction of death. It represents the total failure of the human
5 “We created a desert and called it peace.” This from a Celtic
Chieftain about the Romans illustrates the aftermath of war from past
history. The people have always been caught up in armies creating
What kind of human security is it when one’s city gets
vaporized with an atomic weapon as with Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
What kind of human security is it when one’s country is drenched
with chemical weapons? One gets fried alive if that chemical is
napalm, which the US used in Korea and Vietnam and again illegally
and secretly in Iraq. What kind of human security is it when mass
graves are created by killing civilians who are suspected of having
communist sympathies, such as is now coming to light in South
Korea? What kind of human security is it when the US sponsored
death squads in El Salvador killed peasants who wanted freedom
from exploitation from landlords and dumped their bodies in ravines?
What kind of human security is it when villagers are bombed and
killed in Pakistan and Afghanistan under the name of a “war on
terror.” The dead are cynically referred to as “collateral damage”
while foreign forces in their countries claim to be providing
The greatest inventor and the greatest user of weapons of mass
destruction (WMD) in history is a long way from being the late
Saddam Hussein. In fact, WMD represents prestige, power and
national strength in realist state logic. It is highly honorable to be a
warrior and to kill, as noted by Thurstein Veblen.
6 The napalm or
jellied petroleum which the US used massively in Korea and Vietnam
burns off people’s skin. And the US sprayed Vietnam with Agent
Orange, a form of toxic dioxin which is still killing people. The US
used napalm, burning people alive in Fallujah in Iraq, secretly and
against international law. The Balkans and Iraq are now massively
polluted with depleted uranium, which is far from being depleted.
Depletion takes some 4.5 billion years. People will be suffering in
both regions for a long time to come. Yet all of these wars were seen
to come under the category of providing global security.
Robert Fisk, The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle
, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2006, p. xviii.
Thurstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class, New York, Dover
Publication, 1994.
Notably, I.F. Stone wrote about the US carpet bombing of
villages in Korea with napalm during the Korean War.
7 He argued
that there was no compelling military reason for using napalm to
destroy people and kill innocent civilians. Many villages were said to
be “enemy occupied” and given “saturation treatment” when it was
thought that there were a few North Koreans in the villages. This is
really little different from the Vietnam War and the US occupation of
Iraq today. It is seen in the destructive Israeli bombing of residential
areas of Lebanon in 2006 and the killing by the Israel Defense Forces
of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
In the case of Korea, there was “a complete indifference to
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