D. Esser: Elections
Haiti a country that under the current circumstances can not feed it’s population, spends millions on “voter-registration”, the contract of which conveniently goes to a company in the country from which the original occupying force hails.
In light of the fact that Haiti, under President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, has managed to hold credible elections that were certified as such by outside observers (with considerably less financial effort), the question is: what are the real motives of this system?
For sure it would provide the U.S. and it’s dictatorial puppet regime with far better data on who and where democracy activists are.
A brave new world that entirely disregards the very fact that under the current climate of repression with impunity and massive human rights violations by Haiti’s police, the notion of “elections” is all but an illusion. It is the futile attempt by powers behind the occupation, foremost the United States, to coat the suppression and attempted starvation of the popular will with a thin veneer of U.S. style democracy.
Just as this is apparently not workable in Iraq, the Haitian people know well on whose behest the path to democracy was interrupted and will not buy into this attempt at continued rule by proxy.
While most of the main-stream media is busy manufacturing consent, the suppression of information is increasingly unsuccessful in this time of networked communications. Even if these elections are finally held, the ecvidence of this mockery of any true democracy is already in the hands of the people.
As recent developments show, the conditions in Haiti are much worse under the U.S. pro-consul Latortue, than they were at any point during the democratic reign of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Unless the Untided States has a plan superior to that of electioneering in Afghanistan and Iraq, this will be just a prelude to a massive and rapid disintegration of society in Haiti, which is liable to also impact it’s Caribbean neighbors.
Collecting fingerprints and photographs of “fighting age” populations won’t contribute any more to peace and stability in Port-au-Prince, than it has in Fallujah.
Marguerite Laurent: Starvation
On June 4, 2005, in Bel Air, up to 20 Haitians civilians were shot dead by UN troops – the Chinese contingent we hear were amongst the shooters, in joint operations with the masked-men-in-police-uniforms.
All the nationalities are out for Haitian blood this holocaust time around. It’s poor Haitians against the world, with no one coming to the rescue. We’re dying. In fact, that’s what Father Gerald Jean Juste, who walks with the poor in Haiti, said to us over the phone just today. “We’re dying. Joining Kapwa Lamò, Dessaline, Boiron Tonè…” There’s no one to call for help, I found myself thinking but holding back from replying.
The world has landed in Haiti to kill Haitians. The Pakistani, Chinese, Chileans, Brazilians, – anyone who didn’t have a job in their own countries, who were mostly unemployed in their own countries, now have found a job that puts food on their families tables and shelter over their head – a job killing innocent Haitians for the U.N., Canada, France and the U.S. The job of supporting Bush regime change and bringing back dictatorship and systemic state terror back to Haiti.
I talked to a two young men in Site Soley this evening who said their friend was walking along with them and simply fell down. Knowing that Haiti is a war zone with U.S.-paid-for-bullets piercing Black flesh everywhere, they thought perhaps he had been shot and rushed to look for where he was bleeding. But no bullet hole was found in his body. It took a few minutes to realize, the young 15-year old fell because he hadn’t had anything to eat in seven days.
But our summary execution, our starvation doesn’t stop the OAS, the U.S. Embassy/USAID/European Union, et al, from saddling starving Haitians with more debt. The Cogent Systems just announced a fingerprinting contract awarded them, on behalf of starving Haitians, like the young man who just dropped dead from hunger. In fact, contracts are being awarded, left and right, FOR Haiti right now, for our own “good” to foreign companies such as Cogent Systems and to foreign soldiers in need of a job to kill. In fact, the news is, according to Ambassador Foley and Latortue, that the current killings are not enough, that the UN is not killing enough Haitians, so Bush might send the Marines back into Haiti to better murder more starving Haitians daring to oppose regime change in Haiti.
The young Haitian who just dropped dead from starvation, if he had been allowed life and liberty, what would he say to the OAS Head of States, now in Fort Lauderdale Miami holding their big conference from June 5 to 7, 2005? That’s the oint, though isn’t it. He’s dead, he has no life to be fingerprinted.
How many more will drop dead before the world says something. How many must die to satisfy the appetites of – gwo kriminel zye sek yo – the U.S., Canada, France and the U.N? A million? Two? Three million? When will the world stop acquiescing, get done with the killing of poor Haitians and their containment-in-poverty-and-foreign-debt. Who will tell Cogent systems that to the young Haitians on the streets of Bel Air, Cite Soleil and throughout Haiti, their imposed contract, just like the Coup D’etat’s imposed Boca Raton death regime is null and void and doesn’t and will never legally nor morally bind a free Haitian nation and peoples.
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