A coalition of Ferguson protesters met with reporters Friday to announce a list of demands related to the investigation of the shooting death of Michael Brown and to call for college students to participate in a national “Walk Out” from classes on Monday.
The group says it doesn’t yet have a name, but those involved include members of the Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment. Meetings are held at Greater St. Mark’s Missionary Church near Ferguson.
Taurean Russell of St. Louis said this is the first time the group has issued an official statement.
“We are the core, and we’re mostly youth. We have demands, counter demands. Actions if demands are not met,” Russell said.
The list includes:
- A swift and impartial investigation by the Department of Justice into the Mike Brown shooting, and expanded DOJ investigation into civil rights violations across North St. Louis County.
- The immediate arrest of Officer Darren Wilson
- County prosecutor Bob McCulloch to stand down and allow special prosecutor to be appointed.
- The firing of Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson.
- Accountability for police practices and policies, including effective civilian review of shootings and allegations of misconduct.
- The immediate de-escalation of militarized policing of protestors to protect constitutional rights.
- The immediate release of individuals who have been arrested while attending a protest.
If demands are not met, Russell said his group would continue to protest. If Officer Wilson is not indicted, Russell says protestors will turn to boycotts and other walk outs.
“We have nothing but time on our hands,” Russell said. “We’re not going to stop until we get justice, not only for Mike Brown. For everybody, until the whole system understands that we’re people, and everyone needs equality.”
Members said they are calling for college students to walk out of their classes on Monday in honor of Michael Brown.
“Back in the ’60s, they were blessed with the pleasure to exercise their rights by sitting in,” said St. Louis rap artist and coalition member Tef Poe. “We want to exercise our rights by calling for a walk out.”
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