The dead have been counted
For now.
Most are already cut up
Properly to record cause of death,
As good governance requires
Some may have been citizens,
Some may have been liars.
Relatives that are left behind
Have a long wait outside mortuary
To collect the leftovers of corrective bigotry.
One crumpled granny mutters:
“Save your scalpels and your gauze;
We know the cause; it was neither
Stone nor sword, nor bullet. It was hate.
That virus is not in your medical book.
It lodges in an infected word and look.
Only children have the antidote
To that strain. Notice how, even as
The fires still smolder and body parts
Fester, they are out again, playing
In the common lane. So, do please
Let us bury or burn our dead.
Our tears have dried, our hopes
Are cinders, but our children
Have to be fed. Let the minister
Declare normalcy and admonish forgetting,
While we wait for the next blood-letting.
We just plead: let that not be too soon—
Not before our children are somewhat grown.”
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