Herr Hans-Joachim Fuchtel
The German Nazis occupied Greece from 1941 to 1944. I was 11 years old when the occupation started and 14 when it ended. So I had seen and experienced the overt, brutal and obscene violence of the Nazis. The present ISIS case is “mild” compared to that of the blond Nazis. Also the Germans were and are devout Christians.
Now, today in 2014, the same blond race, once more, as proxies of the Empire [also known as the USA] are occupying Greece, with the help of the local elites, as collaborators, only this time the violence is covert. It is economic slaughter.
Hans-Joachim Fuchtel was born in 1952, therefore he has nothing to do with the Nazis of the World War Two [WWII] period. He belongs to the post-WWII period of Germans. Four years ago, in 2011, Donald Rumsfeld’s protegee, the German “Kanzlerin” Angela Merkel, dispatched Fuchtel to Greece as her representative. Fuchtel’s task is to teach the lazy, corrupt, and stupid Greeks how to become worthy partners of the disciplined, moral, and intelligent Germans.
In 2012, while Fuchtel was visiting Salonika, some municipal employees demonstrated against Fuchtel because of his remarks that the Greek municipal employees were not as efficient as their corresponding German municipal employees. Three Greeks were arrested and tried for allegedly attacking the German consul in the incident, but were acquitted. However, the prosecutor [a Greek!] appealed the decision and the three Greeks are to be tried again on October 2.
[Tragicomic Note: In the German language the noun Fuchtel means: “broadsword or rod” (symbols of discipline) and figuratively it means “to be under the control, the sway, or the grip of someone”. In the Greek language the word fuchta describes a human palm cupped around an object. Inevitably, the “object”, in the minds of the Greeks, was associated with the sexual behavior. The unfortunate similarity in the sound of Fuchtel and Fuchta, offered a happy job for the Greek cartoonists and possible unhappiness for poor Herr Fichtel. End of Note.]
However, the brave Teuton is ignoring the incivilities of the uncouth Greeks and goes on with the assignments given him by Frau Merkel. Fuchtel “invaded’ the local municipal governments of Greece by sending an eight page questionnaire demanding that the mayors offer very detailed information concerning the assets and the life of their communities, thus unashamedly showing the intent of Merkel & Co. The answer was, “We are not for sale”.
The Battle of the Mayors
Merkel & Co. decided that a predetermined 15 % of the Greek municipal employees should be fired. Thus, using all kinds of tricks, her Greek collaborators demanded to “choose” the victims by having access to the employee data in the municipalities. Five mayors elected as leftists, refused to allow the collaborators to enter the municipal premises. Among the mayors is Simos Roussos, elected with SYRIZA, the Mayor of Halandri my hometown, a serious and honest person.
This “insubordination” on the part of these mayors resulted in:
1. The five mayors to be charged with criminal behavior, to be investigated by the Supreme Court. The accuser: Kyriakos Mitsotakis, minister of the interior. A rather amusing development as Kyriakos is the younger son of Kostas Mitsotakis, the most ridiculed and hated politician in the recent history of Greece, and brother of Dora, the “darling ” of the George H. W. Bush family, the older daughter of the same “charismatic” senior politician Kostas Mitsotakis.
[Note: During the Nazi occupation the female “collaborators” were mostly prostitutes. Today the female “collaborators”, for example the assistants of Kyriakos, are graduates of elite US universities. End of Note.]
2. Here in Halandri, Mayor Roussos, as a “quasi-commie”, was selected to suffer all kinds attacks, for not following orders. Not very far from my place there was an open space, in Halandri, where about 200 gypsies have been living for forty years. So, this morning of September 30, 2014, the rightist Greek government decided to demolish the houses of the gypsies and give trouble to the “red” Mayor.of Halandri. The gypsies resisted, but the intentions of the “rulers” and their “proxies” are really sinister.
Mark these names: “Zoe” and “Rena”
– Zoe Konstantopoulou is a young Greek woman, a lawyer, and a member of the Greek Parliament with SYRIZA, the Greek party of the Left . Her Christian name, “Zoe” is the Greek word for ‘life’. There could not be a better choice for a name. Compare it to: “Vasiliki” [Royal!], or “Ageliki” [like an angel], or “Victoria” [victorious, by defeating other humans], or even Maria [the virgin mother of God!]. Kudos are due to her parents and not only for the choice of her name. Both her parents were brutally tortured by the US-trained Greek torturers “used” by the US-installed military dictatorship in Greece from 1967 to 1974. Her father, Nikos, was a former leader of the party and, although a leftist was expected to become the president of Greece. Her mother is an important member of the professional journalists of Greece.
However, putting aside the upbringing due to her parents, it is not the history of her parents that helped Zoe to become one of the most important women in Greece. It is her honesty, strength of character, and brilliance that have surprised the ordinary Greeks.
[Note: By the word “ordinary” we mean the 67 % of any given population who are honest and rational people in contrast to the remaining 33 % who are best characterized as “assholes” (that is the “conservatives, the Christian Democrats, the Republicans cum “moderate Democrats”, etc, who, however, are the ones that support and maintain the brutal elites that rule the planet.]
For the last few years Zoe [pronounced Zo-ee, accent on “ee”] as a lawyer has been defending the progressive Greeks, especially against the murderous brutality of the Police, and as a parliamentarian she had to confront the incredibly amoral and devious geezers of the governing right-wingers, better described as crypto-Nazis, especially a couple of them who had dedicated their weak minds in fighting Zoe. Actually one of them had been accused by one of the most heroic figures of the resistance against the military dictatorship of having served as an informer for the security police.
My opinion is that Zoe, as Greece is being attacked by the Empire, will play an important role in the struggles for dignity that lie ahead for the Greeks.
– Rena Dourou is a young Greek woman, educated in Greece, England and Turkey [!], she was a member of the Greek Parliament with SYRIZA, but resigned from her seat as she was recently elected, again with SYRIZA, to be the “local leader” of the province of Attica. Actually, yesterday, the International New York Times [INYT} had a quite long article on Rena in its issue of September 27-28, 2014, in which she was described as “a member of the far-left Syriza party” [emphasis added].
[Parenthesis: If SYRIZA, a party with euro-communist (a CIA-coined term) roots is presented as “far-left”, I wonder what term will the New York Times use to describe the Stalinists, the Marxist-Leninists, or even the anarchists? Will it be the “infinite-left? The “Leftism” of SYRIZA is a product of the social struggle of the last century, based on rationality. The reader can have an idea of what is meant by “rationality” by reading “Being Left” in the “ZNet Top site” an Interview of Mike Albert by David Marty. Also, the reader can refer to the ZNet article “Merkel’s Incredible Feat (Part one)”, of February 15, 2012, which includes the following list:
“[A] person is a ‘healthy leftist”, if he or she:
– is not an asshole (most of his life)
– talks to his neighbor
– helps his neighbor (when in need)
– does not exploit his neighbor
– does not support covert or overt authoritarianism
– does not support wars or violence
– does not approve of profit, growth, and competition
– respects nature
– respects justice
– respects knowledge
– respects his fellow-humans
– is modest.”
Of course, Obama, the US president, from a party of the left, according to the US intelligentsia, the US “Democrats” (!), fills all the items of the above list, which explains the present situation on this happy planet. End of the Parenthesis.]
So, what is so important for Rena to be the “local leader” of the Greek province of Attica?
Attica is a rather hilly plain, endowed by three historical mountains, Pendeli (the marble mountain that helped build the Parthenon), Hymettus (the mountain that the Great Periklis, the ultimate democrat, deforested and sold the timber to Lebanon 2,500 years ago), and Parnis (the beatifull mountain that a US-chosen Prime Minister of Greece crowned, a few decades ago, with the erection of a … casino). Attica surrounds the area of the greater Athens of today, as it did in ancient times.
As expected, such a place, famous for its contribution to the human civilization, was honored through the naming of other places in the world as Atticas. For example, there are 5 places in the US named “Attica” (Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, New York, and Ohio). Of all these places, excepting the original in Greece, the most important and most tragic is that of Attica in New York state. Forty-three years ago, in 1971, events took place “leading to the bloodiest one-day encounter between Americans in this (the 20th) century”. The perpetrator of the massacre in the prison of Attica, Nelson Rockefeller, and the lowly executioners were never touched by the existing system of justice.
One book that can give an idea about what it means to be black in a US prison and thus understand what happened in Attica in 1971, is the book “Marshall Law” by Marshall “Eddie” Conway and Dominique Stevenson [AK Press, 2011].
Rena, has been in her present job, in the original Attica for only 30 days. She has all the credentials, of the above mentioned list to do good not only for the original Attica but for Greece and beyond.
My estimate is that both these women, Zoe and Rena, on the basis of their honesty, integrity, and political background, will play a significant role in the struggle of survival of the European peoples. They are the anti-Merkel type of humans.
The Rio Incident
This is the 21st century after the birth of Christ and about 100,000 years after the creation of our simian branch. The following incident that took place at Rio, highlights the peak reached in our evolutionary journey:
Rio is a point on the north-western coast of Peloponese, the southern part of Greece. At this point there is a big bridge that joins Peloponese to the mainland across the Bay of Corinth at a point called Anti-Rio.
At the entrance to the bridge, at Rio, for 15 years a couple with their autistic child struggled to make a living with a trailer canteen that served also as their home. About a week ago, the couple was visited by a colleague of mine, a civil engineer, who demanded that the couple vacate the area. The next morning the Greek police arrived at the place and in their usual and world-wide barbaric way started shouting and threatening the couple. The child reacted angrily after witnessing the threats against his parents. Then the noble Greek Amazon, the female policewoman, dealing with the matter grabbed the child and with skillful violence, as per her training and the Hollywood movies, twisted the child’s arm to his back and neutralized the angry minor criminal. The parents filed charges against the Amazon. Which means that the pigs at the Rio station (male and female) will have something to amuse themselves with.
[Note: Of all the civil engineers in any country about a handful become big contractors for public works, mostly highways and big bridges, that is, they become the instruments and economic partners of the political elites in deep corruption. Notice how fast the police Amazon reacted to the demand of the civil engineer to drive away the proletarian couple. I have been “present at the creation” (of the elite scum), for almost half a century. End of Note.]
Quite a few hours ago, two Greek Nazis attacked a Pakistani immigrant and smashed his face with brass knuckles, broke his nose, and almost killed him by blows to the back of his head. They claim that their acts were “legit” as they have the support of 7 % to 12 % of the Greek population, that is of hundreds of thousands of Greeks.
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