For those unable to attend the huge August 29 “No to the Bush Agenda” demonstration in New York City, here is a small sampling of some of the posters and banners on display.
Not rich
Not selfish
Not stupid
Not Republican
I really don’t like George Bush
2 Layoffs, 2 Years
It’s Your Turn, Bush
I want to believe in democracy again
Moses 4 Burning Bush
Bush is a really crappy president
Suburban Moms for Regime Change
Bye Bush
65 days and counting
Four more years?
Forget about it!
Frat boys for truth
11/2/2004: The End of an Error
Four More Months
Fire the Liar
Dude, where’s my surplus?
George W. Bush is proof that you don’t have to grow up to be President
America is a free speech zone
Don’t assume your freedoms are assured
[Beneath pictures of Bush, Cheney, et al.]
Fossil Fools
Republican National Committee:
Bringing the Empire State to the Empire State
[Grinning Bush Photo]
Darn Good Liar
Don’t “misunderestimate” our votes
Thanks for teaching us the value of a vote
New York Hates Bush
Worst President Ever
Nixon was better
GOP Out of NYC
The World is Tired of Being Bushed Around
America: Wake up and smell the catastrophe
Texans Against Bush
He ain’t no damn Texan
End Errorism
Delete Bush
Bush Go Home
We the people
Not we the corporations
[Picture of Bush and Saudi officials]
Fahd Bless America
Who would Jesus bomb?
Repent GOP
The End Is Near
He doesn’t care to house the homeless.
Let’s remove him from the White House.
We Are Not Safer
Vote and Live
Let’s not elect him this time either
Honor the Fallen
Impeach the Profiteers
Osama bin Forgotten
“There is no sure foundation set on blood.”
–William Shakespeare
[Pictures of Bush Sr. and G.W. Bush]
Dumb and Dumber
Why Is the NYPD Protecting the GOP From Us, Not Us From the GOP?
Our Parks, Our Streets
This is what you get for electing a Republican mayor
Not in Our Town
These Helicopters Are Making Me Crazy
Bush or the Constitution:
You Decide
Bush’s UN Charter:
UNwelcome in NYC
Liar, Liar, Iraq‘s on Fire
CONservative GovernMENt
Mission Accomplished:
Halliburton Got the Oil
One Person, One Vote*
May not apply in certain states
When they don’t like the outcome, they change the rules
The elections were honest
(in Venezuela)
Abstinence in 2004: No Bush, No Dick
I wasn’t using my civil rights anyway
If you can read this, you aren’t the President
The Son of Sam did what God told him to, but he only killed 5 or 6 people
[Cardboard constructed pink elephant]
Drunk on Power
Bush: Always Wrong, Never in Doubt
Get Out of Iraq
Get Out of NY
Redcoats Go Home
Oh, so that’s what a Republican looks like.
I’m marching for my grandma, and she’s pissed.
Cheney Controls His Bush, I Control Mine
Carried by kids:
Bush starts it, we end it
My Daddy doesn’t want me to get drafted
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