The social challenges facing the planet have been seriously underestimated: 1.2 billion people still live on less than $1.25 a day and around 5.1 billion — three-quarters of the world’s population — lack adequate social security coverage. So a very large number of people remain unprotected against new global challenges, with profound local and national repercussions. The persistence of such a high number of excluded people represents an enormous waste of human and economic potential, and assumes particular importance in countries with a poor level of health coverage, against a backdrop of ageing populations.
A substantial proportion of the world’s poor have little or no access to health services because of a straightforward lack of the money, so it is not just a matter of increasing the availability of services, but of increasing their affordability too. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 100 million people — three every second — find themselves in a situation of poverty each year as a result of having to pay for their own healthcare.
It is in this context that universal health coverage (UHC) has become a global priority. It is based on the right to health and, to be effective, it must be underpinned by the principles of universality, fairness and social protection. UHC, despite its name, is not simply a matter of providing coverage for all. It is about guaranteeing that the whole population, whether rich or poor, receives the treatment it needs without having to bear excessive costs. The term “universal” therefore relates to a policy of inclusion.
UHC also relates to fairness: to making care respond to needs rather than means. Ensuring that one of its members is looked after should not reduce a family to poverty. Finally, UHC includes a qualitative goal: providing access to reliable diagnosis and appropriate, affordable treatment. Fairness and affordability must be explicit priorities from the start: it is important not succumb to the temptation to tackle the easiest-to-reach sectors first.
The effectiveness of UHC depends on many factors linked to governance. Unfortunately, under the guise of UHC, many states and donors promote community and private voluntary insurance schemes that in reality offer restricted coverage, are costly to run and exclude the poorest. Such schemes risk widening inequalities by favouring the already favoured and ignoring the poorest and most marginalised, especially women.
Some developing countries have rejected this model and do prioritise health in public spending — taken in isolation or linked to income tax — in order to implement UHC successfully. Rwanda, Ghana, Turkey and Thailand are good examples of this; in just a few years, they have set up national programmes that guarantee extensive access to care, while minimising costs, thereby preventing the poorest from falling into extreme poverty.
UHC cannot of course be one-size-fits-all, and states have to work out approaches suited to their own social, economic and political conditions. However, according to the WHO, four key steps should be prioritised: reducing direct payments, maximising compulsory prepayments, mutualising the risks on a large scale, and using public funds to cover those who cannot pay (1).
In a context of growing inequality, UHC may prove a unifying goal. Although starting points vary, all nations, rich or poor, can adopt immediate measures. UHC is an effective instrument in the fight against poverty and inequality, and represents concrete progress towards the realisation of the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). Politicians must now show their willingness to act, civil society its readiness unite to demand change and development partners get involved to support change. The current negotiations of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development set up by the UN on the SDGs and the next framework of post-2015 development (see Crucial negotiations at the United Nations) provide an opportunity to promote UHC as a developmental tool.
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