BLACK LIVES MATTER – Events and actions are being planned all over the U.S. for justice for Eric Garner, Michael Brown and many others, and to demand that Black Lives Matter.
LEONARD PELTIER – Amnesty International is promoting an action to urge President Obama to free political prisoner Leonard Peltier. February 4 is the International Day of Solidarity with Peltier.
Contact:; http://www.whoisleonard
PROGRESSIVES – The sixth annual Pennsylvania Progressive Summit will be held February 6-7, in Harrisburg, PA. Hundreds of social justice advocates, labor organizers, legislators, and grassroots activists will come together to build the progressive movement.
Contact: gressivesummit_1.
PEACE – The Massachusetts Peace Action 2015 Annual Meeting will be February 7, in Boston, MA. Keynote speakers are Dennis Kucinich, and Rev. Osagyefo Sekou.
Contact: United for Justice with Peace, PO Box 390449, Central Square, Cambridge, MA 02139; 617-383-4857; info@justicewith;
BLACK SOLIDARITY – The 20th Annual Black Solidarity Conference at Yale University will be held February 19-22. The theme is, “The Ties That Bind: Unique In Our Blackness, One In Our Struggle.”
Contact: PO Box 206471, New Haven, CT 06520;
MUSIC – The 27th Annual International Folk Alliance Conference & Winter Music Camp will be held February 18-22, in Kansas City, MO.
Contact: 509 Delaware St. #101, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816-221-3655; [email protected];
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH – The Take Root Conference will be held February 20-21, in Norman, OK. The conference aim s to root the fight for reproductive health, rights, and dignity in the struggle for social, racial, political, and economic justice.
Contact: 509 Delaware St. #101, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816-221-3655; [email protected];
ECONOMICS – The Union For Radical Political Economics at the Eastern Economic Association will hold its 9th annual conference February 26-March 1 in New York City.
Contact: [email protected];
DRONES – March 4-6, a national mobilization is planned at Creech Drone Base in Nevada, to shut down assassin drone operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. Sponsored by CODEPINK: Women for Peace, Nevada Desert Experience, Veterans for Peace and Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
Contact: 216 South Meramec Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63105; 314-725-6005; bfp@veteransfor;
LABOR – The Southern Labor Studies Association’s next conference will take place at the University of Maryland, College Park on, March 5, and in Washington, DC on March 5-8.
Contact: Southern Labor Studies Association, c/o Scott R. Nelson, President, Lyon G. Department of History, P. O. Box 8795, The College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795;
ANTI-WAR – Cindy Sheehan and the Soapbox People’s Network will hold its anti-war reenactment, March 13-17, in Washington, DC.
Contact: http://cindysheehanssoap
TRANSGENDER – The Keystone Conference: A Celebration of Gender Diversity, will be held March 18-22, in Harrisburg, PA.
Contact: [email protected];
SOFTWARE – The LibrePlanet conference will be held March 21-22, in Cambridge, MA. The annual conference brings together software developers, policy experts, activists, and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments, and face challenges to software freedom.
YOUNG FEMINIST – The 11th Annual National Young Feminist Leadership Conference will be held March 21-23, in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation.
Contact: 1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 801, Arlington, VA 22209; 866-444-3652; [email protected]; http://www.feminist
FEMINIST/WOMEN OF COLOR – INCITE! Color of Violence 4 Conference, Beyond the State: Inciting Transformative Possibilities, will be March 26-29, in Chicago, IL.
Contact: [email protected];
CANNABIS – The 3rd annual National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference will be held March 27-31, in Washington, DC, hosted by Americans For Safe Access and others.
Contact: 202-857-4272; info@safeaccess;
ABORTION – The 29th annual conference, From Abortion to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, will be April 10-12 at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.
Contact: Civil Liberties and Public Policy, 893 West Street, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA 01002; 413-559-6976; [email protected];
MILITARY SPENDING – April 13 is a Global Day of Action on Military Spending.
VIETNAM/VETERANS – Veterans For Peace Annual Tour To Viet Nam will be April 16-May 2. The mission of the tour is to address the legacies of America’s war and to form lasting ties of friendship and peace.
Contact: 216 South Meramec Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63105; 314-725-6005; fp@veteransfor; http://www.veterans
ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR – The 9th Annual New York City Anarchist Book Fair will be held in its original site at Judson Memorial Church, April 18, bringing publishes, designers, writers, artists, musicians and activists from all over North America to Greenwich Village, one of the birthplaces of the anarchist movement.
Contact: [email protected];
EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP – The 29th Annual Ohio Employee Ownership Conference will be held April 29 in Akron, OH. The Conference is directed towards business owners, current employee owners, and economic & community development professionals.
Contact: 330-672-3028; [email protected];
ETHNIC STUDIES – The 2015 conference of the Critical Ethnic Studies Association will be held April 30 – May 3, in Toronto, with the theme: “Sovereignties and Colonialisms: Resisting Racism, Extraction and Dispossession.”
Contact: PO Box 20581, Seattle, WA 98102;
MAY DAY – May 1 is May Day. Workers of the world will celebrate the 125th anniversary of International Worker’s Day. Born out of a call for an eight-hour workday in the United States, this day is an opportunity for all workers to show their solidarity with one another, as well as to renew the call for labor rights.
PALESTINE/CHILDREN – MECA (Middle East Chidren’s Alliance) is currently fundraising to keep providing medicine, warm clothes, sports teams, tutoring, legal assistance, clean water, computers, libraries, toys, blankets, art classes, playgrounds, trauma intervention, food, scholarships, media training, music lessons to Palestinian children.
Contact: Middle East Children’s Alliance, 1101 Eighth Street, Suite 100, Berkeley, CA 94710; 510-548-0542; [email protected];
PEOPLE’S HOUSE – Jefferson People’s House, a worker-owned cooperative bookstore, cafe, and community organizing center in Duluth MN, are launching a Raise the Roof micro-grant campaign.
Contact: 12 South 15th Ave East, Duluth, MN 55812; 218-481-7268; [email protected]?m;;
PALESTINE- Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians (LEAP) is an educational empowerment program for Palestinian refugee-youth in Lebanon dedicated to nurturing the intellectual growth and creative curiosity of our students. LEAP is accepting applications for Project SHINE to teach English in the Palestinian Refugee camps of Lebanon in Summer, the deadline is February 13.
Contact: [email protected];
HOUSELESS – House Keys Not Handcuffs is a reflection on over 30 years of homeless organizing in San Francisco. It is an attempt to sort out what went well and what did not as a community begins to organize in order to hold public and private institutions accountable.
Contact: AK Press, 3500 Parkdale Avenue, Building 1, Suite 3, Baltimore, MD 21211; 510-208-1700;
TESTING – More Than a Score: The New Uprising Against High-Stakes Testing is a collection of essays, poems, speeches, and interviews from frontline fighters who are defying the corporate education reformers, often at great personal and professional risk, and fueling a national movement to reclaim and transform public education.
Contact: Haymarket Books, PO Box 180165, Chicago, IL 60618; 773-583-7884;
FREE ENTERPRISE – Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies, by Michael Parenti, demonstrates that capitalists do everything they can to undercut their competitors, and hate competition even as they sing its praises.
Contact: Clarity Press, Inc., Ste. 469, 3277 Roswell Rd. NE, Atlanta, GE 30305; 404-647-6501; [email protected];
SOCIAL SECURITY – Social Security Works!: Why Social Security Isn’t Going Broke and How Expanding It Will Help Us All, by Nancy J. Altman and Eric R. Kingson is a myth-busting look at a critical component of the American social contract.
Contact: The New Press, 38 Greene Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10013; 212-629-8802;
ARMED CONFLICT – Transnational Asymmetric Armed Conflict under International Humanitarian Law: Key Contemporary Changes, by Eliav Lieblich, addresses some of the major challenges that contemporary conflicts, particularly transnational asymmetric armed conflicts, present in the context of international humanitarian law.
Contact: [email protected];
PACIFIC GARBAGE – In Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, journalist/filmmaker Angela Sun travels and meets scientists, researchers, influencers, and volunteers who shed light on the effects of our rabid plastic consumption and learns the problem is more insidious than we could have ever imagined.
Contact: Bullfrog Films, PO Box 149, Oley, PA 19547; 800-543-3764; [email protected];