HUMAN RIGHTS – The10th Biannual Southern Human Rights Organizers’ Conference (SHROC X) will be held December 12-14 in Savannah, GA. The Goal of SHROC is to bring together human rights organizers to discuss common issues and develop more effective strategies for building a human rights movement in the Deep South.
Contact: 250 Georgia Avenue SE, Suite 330, Atlanta, GA 30312; [email protected];
CUBA/WOMEN – Artwoman: The 1st International Festival of Women Artists will be held December 12-14 in Havana, Cuba.
Contact: http://www.womenand
ANARCHIST/BOOKFAIR – The 7th Humboldt Anarchist Book Fair will be held December 14, in Eureka, CA.
U.S. SOCIAL FORUM – The United States Social Forum is currently fundraising through 2014 to raise funds for the 2015 U.S. Social Forum.
Contact: USSF 2010, Detroit, MI 48226; [email protected];
GUANTANAMO – This year January 11, 2015 marks 13 years of torture and indefinite detention at Guantanamo. Groups including Witness For Torture will be gathering from January 5-13, 2015 to fast for justice and a week of actions.
Contact: [email protected];;;;
PROGRESSIVES – The sixth annual Pennsylvania Progressive Summit will be held February 6-7, in Harrisburg. Hundreds of social justice advocates, labor organizers, legislators, bloggers and grassroots activists will come together to advance progressive policy and build the progressive movement.
Contact: progressive summit_1.
MUSIC – The 27th Annual International Folk Alliance Conference & Winter Music Camp will be held February 18-22, in Kansas City, MO.
Contact: 509 Delaware St. #101, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816-221- 3655; [email protected]; http://www.
BLACK SOLIDARITY – The 20th Annual Black Solidarity Conference at Yale University will be held February 19-22. The theme is, The Ties That Bind: Unique In Our Blackness, One In Our Struggle.
Contact: PO Box 206471, New Haven, CT 06520; http://www.yale. edu/bsc.
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH – The Take Root Conference will be held February 20-21, in Norman, OK. The conference aim is to root the fight for reproductive health, rights, and dignity in the struggle for social, racial, political, and economic justice.
Contact: 509 Delaware St. #101, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816-221- 3655; [email protected]; http://www.folk
ECONOMICS – The Union For Radical Political Economics will hold its ninth annual conference February 26 – March 1 in New York.
Contact: conf/eea/eeahome. html.
TRANSGENDER – The Keystone Conference: A Celebration of Gender Diversity, will be held March 18-22, in Harrisburg, PA.
Contact: [email protected]; http://transcentralpa. org/keystone.htm.
SOFTWARE – The LibrePlanet conference will be held March 21-22, in Cambridge, MA. The annual conference brings together software developers, policy experts, activists, and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments, and face challenges to software freedom.
Contact: https://www.libreplanet. org/2015/.
Misc/ Opportunities
WEAPONS/SPACE – The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space will hold its annual conference July 29 – August 2 in Kyoto, Japan. The conference is currently accepting submissions for its video contest.
Contact: PO Box 652, Brunswick, ME 04011; 207-443-9502; [email protected];
CHILDHOOD – Reinventing Childhood After World War II brings together prominent historians of modern childhood in an effort to define how children’s lives and our conceptions of childhood have changed since World War II. Essays explore how childhood has transformed in response to major elements of change, including schooling, parenting, law, culture, and the global economy.
Contact: University of Pennsylvania Press, 3905 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104; 800-537-5487; [email protected];
ANONYMOUS – Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous, by Gabriella Coleman, is about the worldwide movement of hackers, pranksters, and activists that operates under the non-name Anonymous.
Contact: Verso Books, 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 718-246- 8160; jessica@verso-; http://www.verso
PALESTINE – Song of the Caged Bird: Writing as Resistance in Palestine by Marcella Di Cintio, is about the author’s teaching in Palestine a three-week creative nonfiction course called “Writing Real Life” to nine female students.
POETRY – Veiled Spill: A Sequence by Jan Clausen Begun is a response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster and European laws banning the full face veil. Veiled Spill unfolds a meditation on the links and gaps between interior glimpses and sprawling histories, between the beauty of the moment and the terror of the plot.
Contact: [email protected];
CINEMA POLITICA – With eight new documentary titles exploring spirituality and social justice, 35 local screening sites confirmed, and organizers from Canada and Europe at the ready, Montreal-based Cinema Politica is set to roll out the second installment of their special program entitled “Divine Interventions: Documentary, Spirituality, and Social Justice.”
Contact: Cinema Politica, PO Box 55097 (Mackay), Montreal, Quebec, H3G 2W5;
WILMINGTON MASSACRE – Wilmington On Fire is a feature-length documentary that will give a historical and present day look at the Wilmington Massacre of 1898, a bloody attack on the African-American community by a heavily armed white mob with the support of the North Carolina Democratic Party on November 10, 1898 in the port city of Wilmington, North Carolina. The filmmakers are currently fundraising to complete the film.
Contact: wilmingtononfire.
HIP-HOP – Chee Malabar has released Feral Child, Malabar’s immigrant story cast against the backdrop of the early to mid-1990’s and touches on themes of isolation, angst, and bewilderment as experienced by a newly immigrated family to Urban America.
Contact: http://www.cheemalabar. com/.