MAY DAY – May 1. Workers of the world will celebrate the anniversary of International Worker’ Day. Born out of a call for an eight-hour workday in the United States, this day is an opportunity for all workers to show their solidarity as well as to renew the call for labor rights.
WOMEN/LABOR – The Regina V. Polk Women’s Labor Leadership Conference will be held May 3-7, in Grafton, IL.
Contact: [email protected];
PRISONERS – On May 5, artists, farmers, and New York-based organizers will launch a campaign to free Russell Maroon Shoatz, now 70. Campaign organizers want him immediately released from solitary confinement, as well as other prisoners in solitary who have been in prison for 25 years, and who are 50-plus years old.
Contact: https://russellmaroonshoats.
WORKERS/FILM – The 6th Annual Workers Unite Film Festival will be May 5-25, in New York City. A Global Gathering of Labor Film Activists, will be held May 3-5 before the festival.
MOVEMENTS/PROTEST – The First Mobilization Conference on Social Movements and Protest: Nonviolent Strategies and the State, will be held in San Diego, CA, May 5-6
IMMIGRANTS RIGHTS – The Immigrants’ March will be May 6, in Washington, DC. Grassroots actions are being planned nationwide.
Contact: https://actionnetwork. org/forms/the-immirants-march-sign-up-form.
ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR – The 11th Annual New York City Anarchist Book Fair will be held in its original site at Judson Memorial Church, May 13
Contact: [email protected];
MOTHER’S DAY – The 21st Annual Mother’s Day Walk For Peace will be May 14, from Dorchester to Boston, MA.
Contact: http://mothersdaywalk4
INCARCERATION/YOUTH – May 15-21 is the 5th Annual National Week of Action Against Incarcerating Youth. Events are organized in cities nationwide.
FOOD/MONSANTO – March Against Monsanto will be May 20 in New York City and elsewhere.
Contact: http://www.march-against-
NUCLEAR – The Alliance for Nuclear Accountability’s 29th Annual DC Days will take place May 21-24, in Washington, DC.
LABOR – The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association Conference will be held May 26-28, in Vancouver, BC Canada, under the theme Echoes of the 1917 Russian Revolution: Decades of Radicalism and Red Scares in the Labour Movements of the Pacific Northwest.
Contact: 206-406-2604; [email protected];
FEMINISM/SCI-FI – The feminist science fiction convention, WisCon 41, is scheduled for May 26-29 in Madison, WI.
Contact: WisCon, SF3, PO Box 1624, Madison, WI 53701;c oncom37;
ANARCHY BOOK FEST – The Anarchist Bookfair will take place May 27-28 in Montreal.
AFRICAN LIBERATION – African Liberation Day is May 27. The African People’s Socialist Party will hold events in Washington, DC.
Contact: 1245 18th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33705; 727-821-6620; [email protected];
MULTICULTURE – The 30th Annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) will take place May 30-June 3, in Fort Worth, TX.
Contact: SWCHRS, 3200 Marshall Avenue, Suite 290, Norman, OK 73072; 405-325-3694; [email protected];
CLASS – The Working Class Studies Association (WCSA) conference, “Class Struggle: Race, Gender, and Revolution,” will be held May 31-June 3.
ACTIVIST CAMP – Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and NY. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.
Contact: [email protected];
LEFT FORUM – The Left Forum will be held June 2-4, at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.
Contact: 212-817-2003; leftforum@;
RURAL ARTS/CULTURE – The 2017 Rural Arts and Culture Summit will be June 2-4, in Morris, MN. This year’s theme, “From the Ground Up: Cultivating Creative People and Places” will highlight the important role of art and culture in shaping the rural narrative.
Contact: Springboard for the Arts, 218-770-3485; michele@springboardf; http://www. ruralartsandcultures
FEMINIST CAMP – Feminist Camp is open to all who are interested in learning more about transforming feminist theory into practice. Camps are scheduled June 5-9 in New York City; June 26-30 in Seattle.
LABOR – The Eastern Conference For Workplace Democracy will be held June 9-11, at Fordham University Lincoln Center in New York City, in partnership with NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives and Fordham University Law School’s Economic Development Clinic.
Contact: [email protected];
LGBTQX/PRIDE – The National Pride March will be held June 11, in Washington, DC, Austin, TX, Portland, ME, Indianapolis, IN and other cities nationwide.
Contact: information available online.
MEDIA – The 24th annual Media Consortium Conference will be held June 13-15, in Boston, MA. The conference brings together over 100 leaders of independent news.
MEDIA – The 19th annual Allied Media Conference will be held June 15-18, in Detroit. The conference brings together a vibrant and diverse community of people using media to incite change
Contact: Allied Media Projects, 4126 Third St., Detroit, MI 48201; 313-718-2267;
ANTIWAR – The Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad conference will be June 16-18, in Richmond, VA, hosted by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC).
LABOR – The LAWCHA (Labor and Working Class History Association) will hold its conference, Scales of Struggles: Communities, Movements, and Global Connections, June 23-25, in Seattle, WA.
Contact: LAWCHA, 226 Carr Building (East Campus), Box 90719, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0719; [email protected];
LA RAZA – The annual National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Conference is scheduled for July 8-11 in Phoenix, AZ, with workshops, presentations and panel discussions.
Contact: NCLR Headquarters Office, Raul Yzaguirre Building, 1126 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202-785-1670;
CUBA – The 28th Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba is traveling through the US from July 11-28.
MEDIA – Alliance for Community Media (ACM) and the National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture (NAMAC) will host a joint conference in Minneapolis, July 12-14.
Contact: http://www.allcommunitymedia .org/annual-conference.
RADIO – The Annual National Federation of Community Broadcasters Community Media Conference will be held July 17-19, in Denver, CO.
Contact: 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20004; 202-756-2268; comments;
TEACHERS – The Badass Teachers Association will have their annual conference in Seattle, WA, July 22-23.
WOMEN/PEACE – The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom 33rd Triennial Congress will be held July 27-30, in Chicago.
DEMOCRACY – The Democracy Convention, Universalizing Resistance, Democratizing Power! will be held August 2-6, at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
Contact: http://www.democracy
FOLK FESTIVAL – The Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will be held August 4-6, in the Berkshires, NY.
Contact: [email protected];
HIROSHIMA/NAGASAKI – August 5-8, annual Hiroshima Day and Nagasaki Day peace vigils and demonstrations will be held worldwide. Ground Zero Center’s weekend of events commemorating the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki takes place from August 7-9, and will include a demonstration at one of the entrance gates to the Bangor Trident base on August 8th, and a peace flotilla on Hood Canal adjacent to the Bangor base.
Contact: 16159 Clear Creek Rd. NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370; 360-930-8697;
VETERANS/PEACE – Veterans for Peace annual convention is August 9-13 in Chicago. This year’s theme is, “Education Not Militarization.”
Contact: http://www.vfpnationalc
WOMEN’S CONFERENCE – The annual Twin Oaks Women’s Gathering will be held August 18-20.
Contact: 138 Twin Oaks Road # W, Louisa, VA 23093; 540-894-5126; [email protected];
DISSIDENT ARTS – The Dissident Arts Festival will take place August 19, in New York City.
Contact: John Pietaro, 646-599-0060; [email protected];
TRAYVON MARTIN – Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon, by his parents Martin Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, takes readers beyond the news cycle with the intimate story of a tragically foreshortened life and the rise of a movement.
Contact: http://www.random
POLICING – The End of Policing, by Alex S. Vitale, addresses how the police endanger us and why we need to find an alternative
Contact: Verso Books, 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 718-246-8160; [email protected];