MAY DAY – May 1 is May Day. Workers of the world will celebrate the 125th anniversary of International Worker’s Day.
LABOR – H&M customers, students, unions, and concerned citizens around the world will join in a global day of action for Labor on the day of H&M’s Annual General Meeting, May 3.
Contact: http://www.labor
IMMIGRANTS- Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) will host the GCIR’s National Convening, Immigrants, Philanthropy, and the American Dream, May 3-5, in Austin, TX.
Contact: PO Box 1100, Sebastopol, CA 95473-1100; 707-824-4374; https://www.
WORKERS /FILM – The 5th Annual Workers Unite Film Festival will be May 4-21, in New York City.
Contact: http://www.worker sunite
MARIJUANA – On May 7, the first Saturday in May, marijuana legalization activists will hold informational and educational events, rallies and marches in over 300 cities around the world.
Contact: http://cannabis
WOMEN/LABOR – The Regina V. Polk Women’s Labor Leadership Conference will be held May 12-15, in Grafton, IL. The Conference has been educating working women throughout the Midwest.
Contact: reginavpolk@gmail .com; https://www.reginapolks
INCARCERATION/YOUTH – May 15-21 is National Week of Action Against Incarcerating Youth. Events are organized in cities nationwide.
Contact: http://savethekids
MALCOLM X – May 19th is the birthday of Malcolm X. Calls have been issued for a holiday, Claim Malcolm X Day, to celebrate the birthday of a freedom fighter.
GIRLS OF COLOR – On Thursday, May 19, the Grantmakers for Girls of Color Convening Planning Committee, supported by NoVo Foundation, will host a national convening of funders to begin an exploration of the challenges facing girls and young women of color and to create a plan to drive long-term systemic change.
Contact: contact@grantmakers; http://www. grant
LABOR – The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association Conference will be held May 20-22, in Portland, Oregon, where historians, students, unionists and others come together to share information.
Contact: 206-406-2604; [email protected]; https://pnlha.
LEFT FORUM – The 2016 Left Forum will be held May 20-22, at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.
Contact: 212-817-2003; [email protected];
MULTICULTURE– The annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) will take place May 31-June 4, in San Francisco, CA.
Contact: SWCHRS, 3200 Marshall Avenue, Suite 290, Norman, OK 73072; 405-325-3694; [email protected]; www. ncore.ou. edu.
BIKES – Bikes Not Bombs is holding its 29th annual Bike – A-Thon in Boston, MA on June 5.
Contact: Bikes Not Bombs, 284 Amory St., Jamaica Plain, MA 02130; 617-522-0222; [email protected];
FEMINIST CAMP – Feminist Camp is open to all who are interested in learning more about transforming feminist theory into practice. Camps are scheduled June 5-10 in New York City, and July 18-29 in Amherst, MA.
Contact: http://www.feminist
PEACE – The Ohio Peace Festival will be June 6-14, in various parts of Ohio. The Ohio Peace Festival is a celebration of community, unity, and peace in all its forms.
Contact: 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH, 43201; 614- 327-8389; ohiopeacecol [email protected];
RADIO – The 40th Annual National Federation of Community Broadcasters Community Media Conference will be held June 8-11, in Denver, CO with breakout sessions, two keynotes, affinity group summits, and tours around the host city.
Contact: 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20004; 202-756- 2268; comments; http:/ /
CLASS – The Center for Study of Working Class Life at SUNY Stony Brook will host the How Class Works 2016 conference at Stony Brook: June 9-11, 2016.
Contact: michael.zweig@; http://www.;http://www. stonybrook. edu/workingclass/.
MEDIA – The 18th annual Allied Media Conference will be held June 16-19, in Detroit. The conference brings together a community of people using media to incite change: filmmakers, producers, youth organizers, writers, musicians, dancers, and artists.
Contact: Allied Media Projects, 4126 Third St., Detroit, MI 48201; 313-718-2267; http://
VEGAN FEST – The annual Mad City Vegan Fest will be held in Madison, WI, June 18. The annual event features food, speakers, and exhibitors.
Contact: 122 State Street, Suite 405 B, Madison, WI 53701; [email protected];
AMERICAN-ARAB – The National American-Arab Cultural Festival will take place July 9, in Washington, DC.
Contact: 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20036; 202-244-2990; adc@
PEACESTOCK – On July 9, the 14th Annual Peacestock: A Gathering for Peace, will take place near Cannon Falls, MN. The event is a mixture of music, speakers and community for peace. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace
Contact: Bill Habedank, 1913 Grandview Ave., Red Wing, MN 55066; 651-388-7733; bill [email protected];
SOCIAL FORUM – The Toronto Peoples’ Social Forum, a grassroots Peoples’ Social Forum, will be held in Toronto, July 10-11.
Contact: http://www.peoples
LA RAZA – The annual National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Conference is scheduled for July 23-26 in Orlando, with workshops, presentations and panel discussions.
Contact: NCLR Headquarters Office, Raul Yzaguirre Building, 1126 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202-785-1670;
NETROOTS – The annual Netroots Nation conference will take place July 14-17, in St. Louis, MO, with writers, social justice advocates, labor and organizational leaders, grassroots organizers and online activists.
Contact: Netroots Nation, 1559B Sloat Blvd #316, San Francisco,CA 94132; http://
CLEAN ENERGY – The March for a Clean Energy Revolution will be July 24, the night before the Democratic Convention, in Philadelphia.
Contact: http://www.cleanenerg
FOOD/MONSANTO – July 27 is Korean Armistice Day. Commemoration events are planned nationwide.
Contact: http://www.veteransfor
ACTIVIST CAMP – Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and NY. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.
Contact: [email protected];
FOLK FESTIVAL – The Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will be held August 5-7, in the Berkshires, NY.
Contact: [email protected];
SCHOOLS – The Satyagraha Institute: Training Leaders in the Traditions of Nonviolence, will be August 7-19, in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Contact: Satyagraha Institute, c/o Carl Kline, 825 Fourth Street, Brookings, SD 57006; 605-692-8465; info@satyagraha; http:// www.satyagraha
VETERANS/PEACE – Veterans for Peace is holding the 31st annual convention is August 11-15 in Berkeley, CA. This year’s theme is, Peace At Home, Peace Abroad: A Just and Sustainable Future for the World’s Children.
Contact: http://www.vfpnational
MEDIA – Alliance for Community Media (ACM) and the National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture (NAMAC) will host a joint conference in Boston, MA, August 18-20.
Contact: http://www.all
WOMEN’S CONFERENCE – The annual Twin Oaks Women’s Gathering will be held August 19-21.
Contact: 138 Twin Oaks Road # W, Louisa, VA 23093; 540-894 -5126; twinoak [email protected]; http://womens
REFUGEES – In Flight and Freedom, Ratna Omidvar and Dana Wagner present a collection of thirty interviews with refugees, their descendants, or their loved ones to document their journeys of flight to Canada.
Contact: Between the Lines, 401 Richmond Street West, #277, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8, Canada; 416-535-9914; info@; http://www.
LIBYA/U.S. – In Sowing Chaos: Libya in the Wake of Humanitarian Intervention, Paolo Sensini exposes the falsehoods propagated in 2011 of the alleged “mass graves” and “10,000 deaths,” and the criminal intervention that devastated Libya, unleashing chaos and a civil war unlikely to cease in the near future.
Contact: Clarity Press, Inc., Ste. 469, 3277 Roswell Rd. NE, Atlanta, GE 30305; 404- 647-6501; [email protected];
ANGELA DAVIS – Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement is a collection of essays, interviews, and speeches by activist and scholar Angela Y. Davis that illuminates the connections between struggles against state violence and oppression throughout history and around the world.
Contact: Haymarket Books, PO Box 180165, Chicago, IL 60618; 773-583-7884; http://www. haymarket
PALESTINE DIASPORA – Being Palestinian: Personal Reflections on Palestinian Identity in the Diaspora, edited by Yasir Suleiman, contains 102 Palestinians in North America and the United Kingdom reflecting in their own words on what it means to be Palestinian in the diaspora.
Contact: Edinburgh University Press, The Tun – Holy rood Road, 12 (2f) Jackson’s Entry, Edinburgh EH8 8PJ, UK; 44 (0)131-650-4218; [email protected]; http://
POETRY – Black Seeds: The Poetry and Reflections of Tariq Toure, has been released by the essayist and poet.
Contact: see online book stores.
ENVIRONMENT/WASTE – Racing To Zero: In Pursuit of Zero Waste follows San Francisco’s innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste.
Contact: Bullfrog Films, PO Box 149, Oley, PA 19547; 800-543-3764; http://www.