OCCUPY TOGETHER – Occupy Together is the unofficial hub for the various occupations springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Over 1,000 cities and towns are currently participating.
LEONARD PELTIER – February 4 is the International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier. The Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee calls on supporters worldwide to protest against the injustice suffered by the Indigenous activist.
Contact: http://www.whois
EVOLUTION – February 10-12 will be the sixth annual celebration of Evolution Weekend, intended to demonstrate that religious people from many faiths and locations understand that evolution is sound science and poses no problems for their faith (affiliated with the Clergy Letters Project repudiating anti-science fundamentalism).
Contact: http://theclergyletter
AFRICA – The Priority Africa Network will host the Second Annual Ubuntu Awards’ Dinner, February 11, in
Contact: http://www.priority
FOOD – Registration is open for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s (OEFFA) 33rd annual conference, Sowing the Seeds of Our Food Sovereignty, February 18-19, in
Contact: http://www.oeffa. org/.
JUSTICE – The Justice Conference 2012 will be held February 24-25 in
Contact: http://thejusticecon-
SHUT DOWN – Occupy
Contact: http://occupyport-
ISRAEL/PALESTINE – Israeli Apartheid Week is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. The aim is to educate people about the nature of
Contact: http://apartheidweek. org/en.
WOMEN/AFGHANISTAN – Global Exchange Reality Tours and Afghans4Tomo- row have prepared a program to begin March 1, called
Contact:; http://www.
WOMEN’S STRIKE – March 8 is International Women’s Day and events are planned worldwide. Global Women’s Strike also organizes protest, education, and direct action around this day to redress the ongoing oppression of women who do two-thirds of all the world’s work— most of it without pay or formal benefits and often in slave conditions.
Contact:; http://www. internationalwomens
OCCUPY/CAPITALISM – The 2012 Left Forum is scheduled for March 16-18 at
Contact: 212-817-2003; [email protected]; http://
FOOD NOT BOMBS – Food Not Bombs is currently organizing several projects in communities, including: free food distribution to local people in need; literature tables to provide information about food, peace and justice; hot meals at demonstrations and events; and creative actions in protest of war and poverty. The group invites all to join.
Contact: Food Not Bombs,
Contact: info@thestrategy; http://www.thestrategy
PROCESS – No Labels is currently accepting new stakeholders. The group aims to build a network of supporters in every congressional district at the grassroots level.
Contact: backoffice@nolabels. org;
PEACE/DEMOCRACY – The Campaign for Peace and Democracy is currently fundraising. The organization does not receive any foundation or government grants.
Contact: [email protected]; http://
MEDIA – Toward Freedom is currently fundraising. The organization organizes public events aimed at raising awareness of and discussions about global issues.
Contact: [email protected];
PEACE & JUSTICE – S!PAZ is currently fundraising. The group seeks to promote actions that contribute to the process of a non-violent transformation related to the ongoing armed conflict in
Contact: http://razapressasso-
MEDIA/RAZA – The Raza Press and Media Association (RPMA) has issued its 2012 New Year Messages of Resistance, and is currently seeking new members. The group holds the position that Raza are colonized, indigenous people and that the
Contact: [email protected];
COMMONS/SURVIVAL – In Save the Humans? Common Preservation in Action, author Jeremy Brecher shows how common preservation in action works and how we can learn from the history of past social movements to help us confront today’s global threats of climate change, endless war, and economic chaos.
Contact: Paradigm Publishers, 2845 Wilderness Place, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80301; 303-245-9054; [email protected]; http://
Contact: South End Press,
TEA PARTY – In The Rise of the Tea Party: Political Discontent & Corporate Media in the Age of Obama, Anthony DiMag- gio examines the Tea Party phenomenon. The book traces the history of the movement, analyzes its organizational structure, membership, ideological coherence, and relationship to the mass media.
Contact: Monthly Review Press,
RECESSION/MAGAZINE – Downsized Living is a new dark humor magazine that parodies Martha Stewart Living. The magazine aims to call attention to and protest the effects of the recession on Americans.
Contact: http://www.downsized
SDS/WEATHER UNDERGROUND – Love and Struggle: My Life in SDS, the Weather Underground, and Beyond is the autobiography of David Gilbert.
Contact: PM Press,
CUBA/CASTRO – In Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment, Samuel Farber provides a review of the revolution’s impact and legacy.
Contact: Haymarket Books,
BLACK – 12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man In
Contact: The New Press,
CAPITALISM – David Graeber’s new book, Revolutions in Reverse: Essays On Politics, Art, Violence, and Imagination, focuses on the decline of capitalism. Written in the wake of the anti-globalization movement and the rise of the war on terror, these essays survey the political landscape for signs of hope and new ideas.
Contact: http://www.scribd. com/; http://www.minorcompositions .info/?p=284.
LABOR – Murder By Proxy is a new documentary that explores the idea that it is the social environment—especially workplace conditions—that cause many people to commit violence. The film features interviews with survivors and victims of mass shootings; as well as with top
Contact: http://www.murder
IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN WARS – This Is Where We Take Our Stand: The
Contact: where-we-take-our-stand; http: //www.busboysand