Family Farm
No fields to plow or stock to feed or heirloom seeds to sow
Just a weekly check, a big tv, and a tiny lawn to mow
A couple little doggies to walk up and down the street
The neighbors grow tomatoes in a garden that they keep
It's been several generations since the family sold the farm
Since they bundled their belongings in a wagon and a cart
And pulled away for Sydney and the coal yard's open arms,
It's been several generations since the family sold the farm
When he was just a boy his Daddy died, they handed him the reigns.
Great Grandad ran that little farm, he was not one to complain.
He scratched them out a living, and did what he was told
Round World War 1 everything changed and the little farm got sold
It's been several generations since the family sold the farm
When the industrialization of the nation worked it's charm
Now subdivided quarter acres, no horses cows or barns
It's been several generations since the family sold the farm
Granpa fought in World War 2 then made the Navy his career
My father worked in a factory the same one all his years
I follwed in his footsteps, until those doors were closed
When in the name of Freedom of Trade they sold us down the road
Its been several generations since the family sold the farm
In this post industrial nation of underpaying jobs
Think I'll plant a few tomatoes, It can't do any harm
It's been several generation since the family sold the farm.