S. Herman
and David Peterson
conventional use of the term "public intellectual" has been a source of growing
confusion and bombast of late. At a forum on "The Future of Public
Intellectuals" held some months ago in New York City, Russell Jacoby of The Last
Intellectuals fame lamented the disappearance of earlier generations of
intellectuals from the public eye, to be replaced by "professors locked in the
university," more concerned with "finding recommendations than with writing
public interventions." At about the same time, the Nippon Foundation of Japan
announced the creation of an Asian Public Intellectuals program, the ostensible
goal of which is to promote intellectual work that might advance the public good
by helping "Asians to look at Asians through their own eyes."
bombast we can ignore; the confusion we cannot. Thus we can agree that the term
"public intellectual" has become problematic, but not because intellectuals have
disappeared as a result of being "locked in the university." Rather, those WE
would call public intellectuals are simply not being given the chance to appear
on the public stage. We believe that the source of the confusion lies in the
failure to distinguish between intellectuals who have ACCESS to the public and
those who SERVE the public. There is a strong inverse correlation between the
two, which rests on the biased choices of the commercialized and concentrated
mainstream media. This in turn reflects the preferences of the corporate
community and political establishment.
intellectual who has generous media access is often funded by the American
Enterprise or Manhattan Institutes, Heritage Foundation, or the Hoover
Institution, as in cases of Dinesh D’Souza, the Thernstroms, Christina Hoff
Sommers, Shelby Steele and Heather Mac Donald. More generally, those who enjoy
access can be relied on to say what the establishment wants said on the topics
of the day–"civility," "political correctness," race, free trade, and
"humanitarian intervention" and the civilizing mission of the United States and
West. This characterizes the work of intellectuals such as Alan Wolfe, Charles
Murray, Paul Krugman, Robert Kaplan, David Rieff and Michael Ignatieff, who have
been relatively ubiquitous figures over the past decade, enjoying bylines, radio
and television appearances, and favorable book reviews. Given their service to
the powerful we categorize these preferred intellectuals as "power" rather than
"public" intellectuals. It is a distinction that captures a crucial feature of
the U.S. system of selective promotion or marginalization of intellectuals and
their ideas throughout the public sphere. As Noam Chomsky once noted, "It is a
system of no small degree of elegance, and effectiveness."
believe the term "public intellectuals" should be reserved for those strong
thinkers who lack access to the public precisely because they are independent
and would speak effectively to that public’s concerns. Their access is blocked,
and their work and ideas are rendered invisible, by vested interests who control
the flow of information to the public and are able to exclude from the print
media and airwaves those who challenge their interests and preferred policies.
That is, effective freedom of expression– freedom of expression combined with
outreach to large numbers–is limited to the "power intellectuals."
Public intellectuals are recognizable not only by their marginalization, they
are also frequently subjected to harsh denigration and attack by the
establishment’s power intellectuals. As Voltaire noted back in the 18th century,
with odes to the monarch "you will be well received. Enlighten men, and you will
be crushed." Thus, when Rachel Carson published her Silent Spring in an
extremely propitious environment for criticism of the chemical industry back in
1962–the ecological consequences of DDT were becoming hard to hide, and the
thalidomide disaster had recently struck–and succeeded in reaching not only the
New Yorker but a CBS News program that featured her message, she was furiously
assailed by the industry and its academic appendages for "emotionalism" and
alleged inaccuracy. Noam Chomsky affords the finest illustration of the public
intellectual subjected to incessant and long-term derogation in an attempt to
discredit and justify a refusal to allow him to participate in public debates.
Power intellectuals can make the most egregious errors of fact and
interpretation, their forecasts may be wildly off the mark, and they may be
first class war criminals claiming status as intellectuals, but this does not
impair their ability to reach the public, as establishment good taste prevents
mention of their failings. But in Chomsky’s case, criticisms based on literal
fabrications and misrepresentations about his work are repeated as a matter of
course–and usually without any chance of rebuttal–when it is felt necessary to
explain why such an "extremist" is denied access.
It is
possible to move between the categories of public and power intellectual by a
shift in viewpoint and funding source. David Horowitz, master of the "political
correctness" and "left fascists" scares, moved from invisibility as a leftist to
relative prominence as a Reagan-Gingrich Republican by such a shift, as did Paul
Johnson moving from editorship of the left, U.K-based New Statesman to American
Enterprise Institute intellectual. Alan Wolfe and John Judis also became
prominent writers and reviewers in the New York Times following their shifts in
perspective from liberal-left to New Democrat and in affiliation from City
College of New York to Boston University (Wolfe) and In These Times to the New
Republic (Judis). Wolfe has even attained the status of being referred to as a
"distinguished public intellectual" by the noted power intellectual James Q.
Wilson, reviewing Wolfe’s Moral Freedom in the Wall Street Journal (April 5,
also believe that the role of power intellectuals fits nicely into the
propaganda model, where the threat of independent experts as sources conflicting
with official and corporate perspectives is shown to be alleviated by pushing
forward dependent and friendly experts–i.e., power intellectuals–who preempt
space that otherwise might be taken by genuinely independent analysts, i.e.,
public intellectuals. Nurturing and giving credentials to these power
intellectuals, who will serve as front-line fighters against the public
interest, is a main function of corporate thinktanks. And one of the beauties of
the system is the willingness of the corporate media to accept the experts from
the corporate thinktanks as genuinely independent and presumably serving the
public interest. This has been dramatically illustrated during the past several
decades in the provision of experts on "terrorism" by the Center for Strategic
and International Studies, Heritage Foundation, Rand Corporation, and other
hugely biased, government linked institutions. The result has been a flow of
experts into the media that provide an almost uniform echo of the official view
on terrorism, with two thirds of the leading experts having been in government
service and virtually all focusing on leftwing and insurgent terrorism (see
Herman and O’Sullivan, The "Terrorism" Industry. chaps 7-8).
rise to prominence of the New World Order power intellectuals in the last
several decades fits the same pattern, and they have played an important role in
putting contemporary imperialism in a friendly light while focusing on the
crimes of its opponents and victims. Thus we have the optimists like Francis
Fukuyama, featuring the triumph and spread of "liberal democracy" under the
leadership of the United States. We have the pessimists like Robert Kaplan,
focusing on a "coming anarchy" that is traced to a number of sources, but not
corporate globalization, IMF-World Bank policy, or the effects of a colonial
heritage and wars traceable in large measure to that heritage. And we have what
we call the "New Humanitarian" power intellectuals–Michael Ignatieff, David
Rieff, Timothy Garton Ash, Aryeh Neier, and Geoffrey Robertson, among many
others. We will devote Part 2 of this series to a study of this camp and its
preferred analyses and omissions.