Tariq Ali
World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, in the deep South of Brazil was more than a
symbolic counter to Davos. The aim behind it was serious: to unite the Seattle
generation with the Old Left and to think seriously about alternatives to
neo-liberalism. It is an example from the American continent for the rest of the
world. It was North American students and trades unionists who came out on the
streets of Seattle against capitalism. It is the South American left that is now
demonstrating what can be achieved in practice.
that sense the polar contrast between cold, isolated Davos, beseiged by
demonstraters and protected by the Swiss army on the one hand and the tropical
warmth and openness of Porto Allegre highlighted the gulf between the two
events. The province of Rio Grande Sul and the town is run by the left-wing of
PT, (the Brazilian Workers Party) and a participatory democracy is
at work. The local state is active. The mayor of Porto Alegre, a self-confessed
devotee of Antonio Gramsci, is confident that the PT’s project has
hegemonised a bulk of the population in the South. And not just the South. In
the recent mayoral elections in Brazil’s largest city, Sao Paulo (pop:14
million), Marta Sulpicy, a leading PT intellectual defeated the Right and took
the city against all predictions.
invests in schools and hospitals and infrastructural projects. This industrial
port, the sixth largest city in Brazil with a population of one and a half
million, demonstrates that a resistance to globalisation, however
modest, is possible. The budgets are limited by the centrral government,
but the PT local government involves the local population at every level
in determining how the money is spent. It was an ideal setting for such a
conference, which has greatly annoyed Brazil’s President, Fernando Henrique
Cardoso( one-time leftist and contributor to the New Left Review, but now a
great admirer of Tony Blair, Bill Clinton and the ‘third way`), whose own
neo-liberal solutions are currently under attack from all sides. Cardoso
denounced the PT for using tax-payers money to fund the Porto Allegre bash, but
the tax-payers I met seemed very happy that their town was the centre of world
attention. The local Chamber of Commerce denounced Cardoso for his remarks,
claiming that the out-of-season guests were benefiting the local economy. What
worries Cardoso is that the example might spread in Brazil itself , thus
propelling the PT to power nationally.
conference and its location represents a nightmare gathering for The pro-globalisation
pundits in the US press, typified by Daniel Yergin or Thomas Friedman of the NEW
YORK TIMES , who spend their lives promoting the message that the new economy is
‘cool` and that any state intervention is totalitarian. This message which
has infected European social democracy like a spreading cancer is what was being
challenged at this conference. There are delegates from 122 countries
attending a dozen plenary sessions and nearly 400 workshops to discuss
alternatives in more detail. The importance of Cuba to Latin America was
demonstrated at the opening session when the conference applauded wildly the
presence of delegates from the tiny island, whose existence still remains
important to the left in Latin America. Ghosts from the past mingle easily with
the large number of young people. There were loud cheers when 84-year old
veteran Ahmed Ben Bella, the leader of the FLN in Algeria and a
former President, announced that Che Guevara was the most amazing person he had
ever met and a fine figure of a man. Much to our amusement this was
mistranslated as a: " . and Che had a beautiful body`.
are 40 Mayors of Latin American cities who have come here. Ken Livingstone was
invited, but failed to even respond to the invitation. Mariano Arana, the Mayor
of Montevideo, described the steady growth of misery in his own city. He was
here to find ways of regulating and controlling the brutality of the free
strongest European presence was from France, the country hated the most by US
free-marketeers. Two ministers from the French Cabinet, dozens of MPs and
Euro-MPs and behind them the remarkable organising skills of Le Monde
Diplomatique as seen in the organisation Attack.
tension between the Cardoso government in the Centre and the PT government in
Rio Grande Sul reached breaking point on the last night of the World SocialForum.
The Federal police arrested the French farmer Jose Bove on the orders of the
Minister of Interioir in Brasilia and served him with an expulsion notice. Bove
had joined the Landless Peasants Movement which was occupying a Monsanto field
trying out genetically modiefied crops. The local government had declared
it illegal to plant gm crops in its province, but Monsanto obtained permission
from the Federal governmment. Bove’s arrest and expulsion was a
spectacular own goal by Cardoso. It enraged much of the media and gave
incredible publicity to the Forum. It also helped to defuse the tension with the
Forum between the two currents: the social movements and the politicians. Many
activists from the social movements had been annoyed by the opening session
which was dominated by PT leader Lula and formere French Cabinet Minister
closing session restored the precarious balance. Jose Bove and the social
movements dominated it with everyone chanting: WE ARE ALL JOSE BOVE. Bove
was in a cheerful mood, when I spoke to him the morning after. He was
planning to leave the country that day in any case, but had decided to
defy the expulsion order.
was missing at the conference was the presence of Russians, Eastern Europeans,
Chinese…… these are the citizens who are suffering the effects of
‘shock-therapy’ and capitalism. The figures on public education, health,
employment in all these countries show a sensational decline since 1990. Perhaps
they will be there next year when the World Social Forum challenges Davos once