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Wayne Price "The Anarchist Post-Capitalist Vision"
Wayne Price "The Anarchist Post-Capitalist Vision"
Wayne Price "The Anarchist Post-Capitalist Vision"
First, I want to thank Michael Albert and ZNet for hosting this exchange of views. I do not know about anyone else,…
In his response, Michael asks further questions. To keep my further response manageable, I will focus on three issues: decentralization, libertarian communism,…
The first topic of mine which you focus on is that of decentralization. You reject my idea that “regions and even communities”…
My organization, NEFAC (Northeastern Federation of Anarchist-Communists), does not have an official opinion about Parecon ("participatory economics"). Some members have been favorably influenced,…
The following is my interpretation of revolutionary class-struggle anarchism put forth as basis for an online debate/exploration with Michael Albert, an advocate…
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