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How US Stores Colonizing Mexico are Displacing Local Culture
How US Stores Colonizing Mexico are Displacing Local Culture
Any help or aid from the US always comes with conditions and ulterior motives
How the Media Has Misreported COVID’s Toll in Poorer Nations
Maybe if we were able to have complete agency and autonomy over our individual and collective lives, our self esteems would be stronger, love would be less broken, and we’d all get better at making good decisions
“People who are fleeing crime and searching for a better future shouldn’t be treated like this”. “But there is something that we have, as migrants. We don’t give up, we do everything to achieve our goals.”
Around 91 percent of migrants apprehended while trying to cross from Mexico into the U.S.’s Southwest border are being sent back within as little as two hours.
United States-owned company Constellation Brands is defying local orders and forcing Mexican workers to continue producing its Corona and Modelo beers for export to US consumers
In Puebla, Mexico, the state government tried to take over city buildings in order to secure power for drug cartels that they allegedly have a pact with
Panic and fomenting fear are well-tried methods of control, distraction and of shifting popular support towards the right
This year has been the most violent year on record for Mexico, with almost 26,000 intentional homicides between January and September
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