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As U.S. House members grapple with whether to give $60 billion more to Ukraine, they must also grapple with the checkered nature…
As U.S. House members grapple with whether to give $60 billion more to Ukraine, they must also grapple with the checkered nature…
Russia’s continued troop reinforcements near Ukraine do not mean, ipso facto, that Russia intends to attack and/or invade and/or occupy Ukraine. They have been there; and NOT done that
You would not know it amid the gloom and doom about “another Russian invasion” of Ukraine, but diplomacy – not war – is about to break out this month
Accountability and effective civilian control of such general officers can prevent the next March of Folly
Given the uncertainties of Donald Trump’s actions as he faces a White House exit, the possible declassification of certain documents has the former CIA director sweating.
Democrats, stenographers who pass for journalists and the “Mueller team” will need all the time they can to come up with imaginative responses to two recent bombshell revelations
Required by court order to appear before a judge in Syracuse, New York, on July 12, some out-of-towners had already arrived there…
The U.S. mainstream media remains obsessed over Russia’s alleged “meddling” in last fall’s election, but the real test of bilateral cooperation may come on the cease-fire in Syria
It may be helpful to recall that less than four years ago U.S.-Russian relations were in a much more positive place
Does Trump need more data than the continuing bedlam in Iraq and Afghanistan to understand that one can earn a Princeton PhD by writing erudite-sounding drivel about “counterinsurgency” and still flunk war?
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