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For German weekly Der Spiegel, there’s no doubt about the real meaning of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): this far-right party is, in…
For German weekly Der Spiegel, there’s no doubt about the real meaning of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): this far-right party is, in…
Among Western left-wing politicians — from “the Squad” to European left parties — a small but loud minority is voicing its opinion…
The current developments in Eastern Europe have at least six medium- to long-term geopolitical consequences — all of which are deeply worrying
This development is happening in the historically most anti-communist country in the world: the country that is most prone to the so called ‘free market’ among the core-capitalist countries
The Social Democrats have collapsed. Die Linke is divided. Will the German left ever be able to contend for power?
Critical remarks on the new post-“Brexit” strategy paper by Sigmar Gabriel and Martin Schulz
The 2012 student strike in Quebec is a lesson in successful struggle against austerity policies. The strike was sparked by the announcement…
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