Anthony Arnove

Picture of Anthony Arnove

Anthony Arnove

Anthony Arnove is the author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, with a foreword by Howard Zinn, published in hardcover by The New Press and in paperback from Metropolitan Books and the American Empire Project in January 2007. Arundhati Roy calls the book “urgent.” Cindy Sheehan describes it as “brilliant.” And Eve Ensler finds it “An impassioned, unflinching case for immediate U.S. withdrawal.” He is also the editor of the critically acclaimed Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War (South End Press), Terrorism and War, a collection of post–9/11 interviews with Howard Zinn published by Seven Stories Press, and (with Howard Zinn) Voices of a People’s History of the United States (Seven Stories) a primary-source companion to Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. An activist based in Brooklyn, he is a member of the International Socialist Organization and the National Writers Union, and writes regularly for ZNet. His writing has appeared in Z Magazine, The Financial Times, The Nation, Mother Jones, Left Business Observer, Monthly Review, In These Times, International Socialist Review, Red Pepper, Socialist Worker, L’Humanite, Le Nouvel Observateur, New Politics, and other publications. Arnove is on the editorial board of the International Socialist Review and of Haymarket Books.



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