Z Friends & Staff Posts
I sat down the other night to watch Mai Masri’s film Frontiers of Dreams and Fears. It was on videotape; like most…
In times of crisis, many policymakers and journalists pay special attention to the editorializing from America’s most influential papers. The spin of…
Most of the victims of the perpetual war in Colombia are unarmed poor civilians. For every military casualty there are six civilian…
President George W Bush yesterday called on Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian cities occupied by its forces during the last week.…
As fighting between Israelis and Palestinians reaches horrible new heights, many are asking whether the time has not finally come to stop…
The basic problem in the Israel-Palestine conflict today remains what it’s been for decades: the denial of self-determination to the Palestinian people.…
Over the weekend of April 19-22, 2002, particularly on April 20th, tens of thousands of people from around the country will participate…
I think that the best way to begin is to repeat what Fr. Cirilo Nacorda said two days ago in Lamitan, Basilan,…
A compliant press is preparing the ground for an all-out attack on Iraq. It never mentions the victims: the young, the…
Steve Shalom. The New York Times ran a story on February 25 by Juan Forero titled “Colombian Rebels Sabotage Peace Hopes.” Perhaps…
By a vote of 1.69 million for Robert Mugabe to 1.28 million for Morgan Tsvangirai, the people of Zimbabwe re-elected the Zimbabwe…
He has won two elections, and he has made a start on relieving poverty. So now the US wants to get rid…
Thomas Friedman has achieved another media triumph with the debut of “Tom’s Journal” on the “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” The feature will…
THE conditions in which prisoners are being held brutally and illegally in an American concentration camp on Cuba go to the heart…
The Office of Strategic Influence went from obscurity to infamy to oblivion during a spin cycle that lasted just seven days in…
About two months from now tens of thousands of people will be converging on Washington, D.C. over the weekend of April 19-22.…
On the Times article, I understood it differently. The tone was set in the first paragraph: a remote section of Afghanistan, where…
South African president Thabo Mbeki’s opening of parliament on February 8 was eagerly awaited, and began with a grand motif: “The global…
MIT professor Noam Chomsky has long been one of the nation’s most implacable critics of US foreign policy and domestic inequity, as…
The art of the deal is a media dream: Savvy achievers get to the top. Guile and artifice — even outright deception…
One of my first assignments as a young reporter in Sydney was to go to the airport and ask famous people arriving…
There are stories that get into the news, and stories that don’t. Sometimes when stories do make the news, they’re provided without…
Few asylum-seekers actually reach Australia‘s shores, and if they do, their treatment beggars belief One of my first assignments as a…
LAST week, the US government announced that it was building the biggest-ever war machine. Military spending will rise to $379billion, of which…
Since September 11th, the progressive movement has been on the defensive. But times are changing. The mushrooming Enron scandal; European criticism of…
Even by Washington’s standards, the ability of John Ashcroft to reinvent himself has been a wonder to behold. Just a year ago,…
The art of the deal is a media dream: Savvy achievers get to the top. Guile and artifice — even outright deception…
1. Is there life after capitalism? Yes, I think there is not only life after capitalism…but a menagerie of sorts –…
The AFL-CIO’s uncritical support of the government’s war in Afghanistan and sham “war on terrorism” has disappointed, if not disillusioned, many activists,…
Tony Blair’s heroic peacemaking is not as it seems. Take the Middle East. When Blair welcomed Yasser Arafat to Downing Street following…
Tony Blair’s heroic peacemaking is not as it seems. Take the Middle East. When Blair welcomed Yasser Arafat to Downing Street following…
A Difficulty Criticizing Third World States For a leftist from the third world, living in the first world, there is a certain…
Pacifica’s struggle is in a new phase, about to take a big leap forward. Countless activists have pursued diverse strategies and have…
The response to Professor Noam Chomsky’s visit to Pakistan in November 2001 was too overwhelming for words. Chomsky is known to be…
Today a Village Voice reporter called to interview me for a story he is writing. His assignment? To do a post-mortem on…
[ZNet Editor’s note: ‘New Politics: a journal of socialist thought’ invited Michael Albert to answer the query “Is Socialism Still on the…
[ZNet Editor’s note: ‘New Politics: a journal of socialist thought’ invited Michael Albert to answer the query “Is Socialism Still on the…
It is unfortunate that with such serious issues to attend to, Christopher Hitchens insists on wasting time on irrelevant and fanciful diatribes…
I have gotten a lot of mail asking me to react to Christopher Hitchens comments in the Nation magazine and on the…
Note: This debate occurred in 2001. Christopher Hitchens wrote an essay in the Nation, and a subsequent comment on the Nation web…
(Revised, 22 Sept. 2001) The list below presents some specific incidents of U.S. policy in the Middle East. The list minimizes the…
BY ITS own claims economics is the most scientific “social science.” Yet non-economist critics such as E.F. Schumacher tell us that “to…
REGULAR READERS of Z know I frequently use this column to argue that private ownership yields grotesque inequalities, while markets: · hide…
Just after the Washington Demos, the NY Times, Washington Post, and many other mainstream media outlets did “evaluative” pieces on the events.…
This Fall Michael Albert went to Canada for some talks and did an interview with the excellent Canadian Magazine, Canadian Dimension. Here…
In a 1962 speech titled "The Duty of the Revolutionary." Fidel Castro said, The summary of the nightmare which torments America from…
[This essay is part of an extended debate with David Horowitz found here.] David, I can understand being busy,…
[This essay is part of an extended debate with David Horowitz found here.] David, Let’s assume all your assertions about…
[This essay is part of an extended debate with David Horowitz found here.] David, You say “Socialism doesn’t work first because you…
[This essay is part of an extended debate with David Horowitz found here.] The essay Horowitz is referring to is titled “Is Socialism…