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Hasn’t Nancy Pelosi Heard Of Tit For Tat?
Hasn’t Nancy Pelosi Heard Of Tit For Tat?
Debunking the myth (systematically promoted by Washington) that the Venezuelan “crisis” preceded the implementation of U.S. sanctions and thus the Maduro government alone is to blame for the current catastrophe
What does it all mean?
What does it all mean?
A nation’s economic problems should not justify intervention of any sort
Trump’s unwavering backing of Juan Guaidó’s shadow government in Venezuela attaches a “made in the U.S.A.” label to all those positioned to govern should Maduro fall
The Trump administration’s escalation included financial sanctions against the Venezuelan government and measures against the nation’s oil industry
The politically-charged questions Sanders would likely get from the press, along with his possible responses
What can be learned?
The Trump administration is actively exploring the option of placing Venezuela on the state sponsor of terrorism list, to further intensify sanctions that have already caused significant damage to Venezuela’s economy
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