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A Review of Kristian Niemietz’s book, Socialism: The Failed Idea that Never Dies, and a challenge to the IEA
A Review of Kristian Niemietz’s book, Socialism: The Failed Idea that Never Dies, and a challenge to the IEA
As we move along the road to a post-capitalist, post-carbon world, we must be mindful of the pitfalls, and we must not allow our work or ourselves to be hijacked, sabotaged or seduced by those who have only their own selfish, short-term interests at heart.
The response of athletes as teams and as individuals, striking, dropping out of tournaments, speaking out, is remarkable
What is freedom? We all speak of it. We all want it. We all celebrate it. But what, really, is it? Not some deep hieroglyphic, academic definition, but what is freedom as we do or don’t live it in our daily lives?
We seek radical social transformation. But short of that, our actions should not only force elites to respond to our demands they should also expand democracy and plant the seeds of a new future in the present
The U.S. presidential election has so far involved and will undoubtedly continue to involve a clash over voting strategy for the left
Authoritarian decision-making is another way in which social inequalities are maintained within the NHS
The pandemic, for all its tragedy, has offered the Left a moment. What we decide to do now is all-important.
COVID-19, and before Covid everything else, has raised a question that is now percolating, and even reverberating. And then came a white…
Why do our excitedly born movements so often morbidly age? Why do we so often gear up but then die down?
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