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Samuel Johnson defines patriotism as “love for one’s country; zeal for one’s country” and scoundrel as “a mean rascal; a low petty villain”
Samuel Johnson defines patriotism as “love for one’s country; zeal for one’s country” and scoundrel as “a mean rascal; a low petty villain”
The fact is that the ordinary people of the world know who the “rotten people” in our societies are. It is up to us do something about it, in a participatory way
Although quakes cannot be prevented, they can be rendered not deadly
Will the Emperor and his Janissaries be successful in their effort to stop SYRIZA, Alexis, Zoe and all of us Greeks in our effort to move to a better society and to, even, become a catalyst for ecumenical hope?
So, can these hundreds of thousands of people of Greek origin, especially those in Russia who have Russian as their native language, play some important role in the relationship between Greece and Russia?
Religion has been ‘used’ by the elites through history in a most brutal way for political and economic purposes
The most important event of this annual commemoration has been an angry march of tens of thousands of Greeks from the Polytechnic campus to the US embassy in Athens
Any generalizations to the tune that “war is cruel, barbaric, etc. what should one expect?” are not only dishonest but a tacit acceptance of that cruelty and barbarism. I feel that we should be wary of the persons that react this way
Could an international tribunal hold war criminals accountable?
Here is, a possible estimate of what the Empire could do to protect its “property”
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