Greg Palast
Greg Palast is an award-winning reporter for BBC Television and The Guardian of London and a columnist for the London Observer. His extraordinary reports have been front page news in Europe, yet blocked out of mainstream media in the United States. The Cleveland Free Times calls Palast "The worldís greatest investigative reporter youíve never heard of."
A native Californian, Palast\'s bi-continental muckracking began while a graduate business student at the University of Chicago. His investigations into U.S. corporations were passed over by the U.S. press so Palast went to work for London\'s Guardian and Observer newspapers and BBC for which he has scooped a string of scandals ranging from Enron to Tony Blair\'s cabinet to the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO.
In the U.S., Palast broke the story of how Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush removed thousands of Black and Democratic voters from Florida\'s registration rolls prior to the 2000 presidential election. The series of revelations first appeared in The Nation, The Washington Post, Harper\'s, The Guardian and in which named the exposÈ ëPolitics Story of the Year.í Guerrilla News Network named Palast ëReporter of the Year.í
Palast went on to pen the NY Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth About Globalization, Corporate Cons and High Finance. Palast is also featured in "Counting on Democracy," a new documentary about the Florida elections from Emmy-award winner Dannny Schechter and "Unprecedented" from directors Joan Sekler and Richard Perez.
Currently Palast\'s investigative reports can be seen on BBC Television\'s "Newsnight" and in the U.S. on BBC World.