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Left Politicians’ Responses to McCain’s Death Show Promise and Peril of Electing Socialists to Office
Left Politicians’ Responses to McCain’s Death Show Promise and Peril of Electing Socialists to Office
Dozens of protesters under the banner of #OccupyICEPDX have been maintaining a round-the-clock vigil outside the prison. They are demanding an abolition of ICE
“Trump stood on stage and lied about 1,100 jobs being saved at Carrier in Indianapolis.”
We should start organizing to make cities powerful bastions of noncooperation, resistance, and protection. Activists and organizations can start demanding in every city that city councils and mayors issue resolutions and statements
Cities can offer shelter and protection to their vulnerable citizens and become a place progressives can exert real power
When Trump says, “Make America Great Again,” his followers understand he is really saying, “Make America White Again”
Now is the time to envision truly progressive Clinton Administration policies on health care, immigration, student debt, and climate change. And movement leaders are gearing up
The world is still suffering the effects of Reagan and Bush, and if Trump were elected, the Tea Party’s granny-starving, cop-loving, global-fracking, immigrant-criminalizing agenda would sail through Congress
In reality, all the recent organizing gains will whither as the left is forced to wage losing defensive struggles against violent white nationalists
In lashing out at his personal enemies with white-hot hate and bigotry, he enables his followers to act out their revenge fantasies
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