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Police state surveillance now involves our children
Police state surveillance now involves our children
The evidence is overwhelming that the rich and powerful of Venezuela have followed a continuous, constantly morphing plan to de-stabilize the country and take over the government by any means necessary and that the United States government knows about that plan, supports it and, as much as it can, is assisting in it
If the Internet’s content can affect your feelings, the manipulation of that content can exert powerful social control
It just wasn’t a very good week for phones or for freedom.
If connectivity is, as Zuckerberg says, “a human right”, then it should never be up to him or his company to decide who among us has it, how and when
The merger of cable-television mammoth Comcast with its runner-up competitor Time-Warner Cable, if it goes forward, will be crippling to communications in this country
This past Friday, Internet activist Jeremy Hammond stood in a federal courtroom and told Judge Loretta A. Preska why he released a…
Recently, Verizon, the telephone giant, went to court to accuse the Federal Communications Commission of “overstepping its authority” and reverse the authority’s…
Last week, Verizon, the telephone giant, went to court to accuse the Federal Communications Commission of "overstepping its authority" and reverse the…
The revelations this week by whistle-blower Edward Snowden (through documents provided to the Guardian, the New York Times and Propublica) prove that the NSA, working with…
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