For years Russell Brand has been one of Britain’s most popular comedians, but over the past 12 months he has also emerged as a leading voice of Britain’s political left. He has taken part in anti-austerity protests, spoken at Occupy Wall Street protests and marched with the hacker collective Anonymous. A recovering addict himself, Brand has also become a leading critic of Britain’s drug laws. He has just come out with a new book expanding on his critique of the political system. It is simply titled “Revolution.”

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  1. Please do not trust or take whatever Russel Brand says as anything but selfish self-publicity. He and people like him are only interested in themselves and will use any available way to achieve this end.

    • It is interesting John as I do not read Brand like that at all. His passion for social justice seems to me to be quite genuine – at least that is the feeling I get from watching his videos, etc. However, your comment reads as a statement of fact – as if you actually know him very well. Is that the case?

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