An Indian Spring is underway—

Will it lead to a flowering

That leaves behind a winter long,

Or will it be another Arab Spring?


Is the ground now sentient enough

To withstand the marauding boot?

Or, will resplendent Amazon heft

Keep safe the harvest from the bandicoot?


Time is now on a razor’s edge

That could wound on either side;

But the Amazons blunt the cruel  blade,

And float above the crimson tide.


What was benumbed seems astir

With a felling so extreme

That succumbing might be terminal,

But success not just a dream


If shoulder stays behind the wheel

Now yielding to a truthful touch;

What courage lies in a conviction

That the oppressor assumes just too much.

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Badri Raina is a well-known commentator on politics, culture and society. His columns on the Znet have a global following. Raina taught English literature at the University of Delhi for over four decades and is the author of the much acclaimed Dickens and the Dialectic of Growth. He has several collections of poems and translations. His writings have appeared in nearly all major English dailies and journals in India.

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